
Why was the gold salt trade important?

Why was the gold salt trade important?

What was a major effect of the gold-salt trade in Africa? The gold-salt trade in Africa made Ghana a powerful empire because they controlled the trade routes and taxed traders. Control of gold-salt trade routes helped Ghana, Mali, and Songhai to become large and powerful West African kingdoms.

What made Taghaza an important location?

What made Taghaza an important location? Salt was mined and cut into large blocks. What was very important to the people of Taghaza? Trading with caravans.

What was traded in Timbuktu?

Goods coming from the Mediterranean shores and salt were traded in Timbuktu for gold. Salt, books and gold were the main commodities that were traded in Timbuktu. Timbuktu had been an important trans-Saharan trade route.

How was the importance of Taghaza location change?

It was an important source of rock salt for West Africa up to the end of the 16th century when it was abandoned and replaced by the salt-pan at Taoudenni which lies 150 km (93 mi) to the southeast. Salt from the Taghaza mines formed an important part of the long distance trans-Saharan trade.

What made Taghaza an important location text to speech?

What made Taghaza an important location? It helped to guard the secret location of their gold mines.

Why do we know Timbuktu?

Timbuktu is a city situated in the northern part of Mali. These people as we said before want their own state, called Azawad. As part of the Mali Empire, it was a major trading route for salt, gold, ivory and slaves. Yet due to the idiom “from here to Timbuktu” the place has gained almost legendary status.

Why was Taghaza important to West Africa?

Taghaza. It was an important source of rock salt for West Africa up to the end of the 16th century when it was abandoned and replaced by the salt-pan at Taoudenni which lies north-northeast of Oualata (in Mauritania).

How did the people of Taghaza build their houses?

The buildings were constructed from slabs of salt and roofed with camel skins. The salt was dug from the ground and cut into thick slabs, two of which were loaded onto each camel. The salt was taken south across the desert to Oualata and sold. The value of the salt was chiefly determined by the transport costs.

Why was the Taghaza salt pan so important?

It was an important source of rock salt for West Africa up to the end of the 16th century when it was abandoned and replaced by the salt-pan at Taoudenni which lies 150 km (93 mi) to the southeast. Salt from the Taghaza mines formed an important part of the long distance trans-Saharan trade.

Where is Taghaza located?

Taghaza (also Teghaza) is an abandoned salt-mining centre located in a salt pan in the desert region of northern Mali.

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