
Why hydrogen sulphide has lower boiling point than water?

Why hydrogen sulphide has lower boiling point than water?

H2S molecules are involved in weaker hydrogen bonding than H2O molecules. This is because of the lower electronegativity of sulphur than oxygen. So, less energy is required to break the hydrogen bonds in H2S. Thus, the boiling point of H2S is lower than that of H2O.

Why is H2O more polar than H2S?

Greater the electronegativity difference, greater is the polarity. We know that O is more electronegative than S, so the electronegative difference between O and H is greater than S and H and hence, O-H bond is more polar than S-H bond. Therefore, H2O is more polar than H2S.

Why does H₂o have highest boiling point?

Each HF molecule possesses three lone pairs of fluorine and one hydrogen. Water molecules form a bulky molecule and it is very difficult to break its bonds. To break all its bonds, a large amount of the energy is required. Thus, $H2O$ has a higher boiling point than HF.

Why does water show high boiling point as compared to hydrogen sulphide give reasons for your answer?

Water shows higher boiling point as compared to hydrogen sulphide due to the presence of hydrogen bonding between \[O\] and \[H\] in water molecules due to high electronegativity and small size of oxygen atom.

What is the boiling point of hydrogen sulfide?

-60 °C
Hydrogen sulfide/Boiling point

Why the boiling point of water is exceptionally high?

The high boiling point of water is due to H-bonding.

Why does water have a higher boiling point than chloroform?

have relatively strong H-bonds as well as dispersion forces and dipole-dipole forces. CH3CH2OH has more electrons so has stronger dispersion forces and hence the higher boiling point.

Why is the boiling point of water significantly higher than other compounds with a similar molecular weight?

First there is molecular size. Large molecules have more electrons and nuclei that create van der Waals attractive forces, so their compounds usually have higher boiling points than similar compounds made up of smaller molecules. The attractive forces between the latter group are generally greater.

Which has higher viscosity water or hydrogen sulfide?

d) Water has a higher surface tension compared to H2S. e) Water has a higher viscosity compared to H2S. 15. Ethyl ether molecules experience only London dispersion forces whereas hydrogen sulfide (H2S) molecules experience dipole forces.

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