
Where did the French announced support for the United States after the American victory?

Where did the French announced support for the United States after the American victory?

Social Studies Chapter 6

The French announced support for the US after the American victory at ____ Saratoga
George Rogers Clark forced Henry Hamilton’s surrender at ___ Vincennes
In 1780 the Patriot’s suffered their worst defeat of the war at_____ Charles Town

Which Patriot’s famous words were I have not yet begun to fight *?

John Paul Jones
John Paul Jones in Battle, 1779. “I have not yet begun to fight!” This was the immortal retort of Captain John Paul Jones to a request to surrender as he and his crew engaged in a desperate battle with a British frigate off the northern coast of England during the American Revolution.

Where did the American patriot forces endure a winter of terrible suffering in 1778?

Cold, hunger, and sickness marked the Continental Army’s stay at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. Today, Valley Forge’s wide fields are dotted with revolutionary relics, reminders of the brutal winter endured by Washington’s troops.

What was George Washington’s first victory?

At approximately 8 a.m. on the morning of December 26, 1776, General George Washington’s Continental Army reaches the outskirts of Trenton, New Jersey, and descends upon the unsuspecting Hessian force guarding the city.

Where was the victory that strengthen the American position in the West?

Where was the victory that strengthened the American position in the West? George R0dgers Clark’s victory at Vincennes (present day Indiana) strengthened the American position in the West.

Who was the Patriots first naval hero of the war?

John Paul Jones, original name John Paul, (born July 6, 1747, Kirkbean, Kirkcudbright, Scotland—died July 18, 1792, Paris, France), American naval hero in the American Revolution, renowned for his victory over British ships of war off the east coast of England (September 23, 1779).

Who was hanged as a traitor in 1776?

Patriot Nathan Hale Was Hanged. “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Have you heard this famous declaration before? American patriot Nathan Hale said it on September 22, 1776, his last words before he was hanged for spying on British troops.

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