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Where are the Kimberley mines?

Where are the Kimberley mines?

South Africa
Kimberley Underground consists of three historic diamond mines, namely Bultfontein, Dutoitspan and Wesselton, which are located near Northern Cape province of South Africa. The Kimberley Underground mines were in operation more than a century ago and have a history of producing large diamonds.

Why was the Kimberley mine closed?

On 4 August 1914, work was stopped at the Kimberley mine after 43 years of operation. The mine became uneconomical to operate as it reached a depth of 1 083 m without yielding production. Africans from the rural areas adjacent to Kimberley were also attracted to the mines.

Who owns the Kimberley diamond mine?

Company News De Beers Consolidated Mines (DBCM) announces that it has completed the sale of Kimberley Mines (all assets, including the tailings mineral resource) to Ekapa Minerals (Pty) Limited – an investor consortium comprising Ekapa Mining (Pty) (50.1%) and Petra Diamonds Limited (49.9%).

How many diamonds are in Kimberley mine?

Nearly 15 million diamonds were extracted from the Kimberley Diamond Mine, discovered in 1871.

How did the Kimberley Mine benefit South Africa?

Little of the riches dug from the Kimberly mines benefitted South Africans; most of the treasure was sent overseas. The Kimberley diamond mine enriched Englishman Cecil Rhodes, who founded De Beers. The company became a virtual monopoly.

When was the Kimberley diamond mine first discovered?

Those who arrive at Kimberley’s Victorian railway station by train then travel to The Big Hole via motorcoach, about a ten-minute drive. Nearly 15 million diamonds were extracted from the Kimberley Diamond Mine, discovered in 1871. Excavation ended in August 1914.

Where is the biggest diamond mine in the world?

Kimberley, South Africa, is home to the world’s largest diamond mine, also known as the “Big Hole.” Dug by humans and so large it is visible from space, the pit has yielded some of the world’s largest diamonds and made the De Beers name famous worldwide. At Kimberley visitors can view…

What to do in Kimberley in South Africa?

There is also a café, gift and jewelry shops, and many structures and artifacts left from the days when Kimberly was a thriving mining town. Visitors can walk the eerily empty streets of the company town and step into the modest home where the De Beers family lived.

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