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What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall and how long was it up?

What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall and how long was it up?

listen)) was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Construction of the wall was commenced by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) on 13 August 1961. The Wall cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany, including East Berlin.

What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall and what did its fall represent?

The wall, which stood between 1961 to 1989, came to symbolize the ‘Iron Curtain’ – the ideological split between East and West – that existed across Europe and between the two superpowers, the US and the Soviet Union, and their allies, during the Cold War.

Why did the US help Berlin?

In response to the Soviet blockade of land routes into West Berlin, the United States begins a massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens of the besieged city. The Soviet action was in response to the refusal of American and British officials to allow Russia more say in the economic future of Germany.

What was the Berlin Wall? and what was its purpose?

Erected in the dead of night on August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (known as Berliner Mauer in German) was a physical division between West Berlin and East Germany . Its purpose was to keep disaffected East Germans from fleeing to the West. When the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989,…

What did the Berlin Wall represent to most of the world?

The Berlin Wall was more than just a barrier, and a physical division of East and West Berlin . It was a symbolic boundary between communism and capitalism.

What actually brought down the Berlin Wall?

The people demanded that the rights being given to the Soviets be afforded them too. Thus, the major reasons why the Berlin Wall was taken down were due to outside factors. In particular, the events in the Soviet Union influenced their policies. This resulted in mass demonstrations.

What was the purpose of building the Berlin Wall?

The official purpose of this Berlin Wall was to keep Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state, but it primarily served the objective of stemming mass defections from East to West.

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