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What was Nelsons ship called?

What was Nelsons ship called?

HMS Victory
HMS Victory was Lord Nelson’s flagship in his victory at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805. Discover more about the history of the famous ship.

What was the name of the British Admiral’s warship?

Victory, flagship of the victorious British fleet commanded by Admiral Horatio Nelson in the Battle of Trafalgar on Oct. 21, 1805. The ship is preserved today as a historic relic at Portsmouth, Eng.

What were Lord Nelsons last words?

Nelson spent time with his longstanding close friend and colleague Captain Thomas Hardy in the hours between his fatal shooting and eventual death. His last words to him are said to have been, ‘Kiss me Hardy’. Hardy responded by kissing Nelson on his hands and forehead.

Did they pickle Nelson?

Following his victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson’s body was preserved in a cask of brandy, or rum, to allow transport back to England. The pickled body was removed and, upon inspection, it was discovered that the sailors had drilled a hole in the bottom of the cask and drunk all the brandy/rum.

Why did Nelson say kiss me?

At least three surviving eyewitness accounts declare that Nelson said “Kiss me Hardy” prior to his death. Nelson’s final words (as related by all three written accounts) were, “Thank God I have done my duty.” He is said to have repeated this statement until he became unable to speak.

What happened to Lady Hamilton after Nelson died?

Sir William became ill and died in 1803 leaving Emma an annuity of £800. In 1805 the great love of her life, Nelson, was killed at the Battle of Trafalgar. After her release she fled to Calais with Horatia, where she died in 1815. She was buried in the churchyard of St.

How did Nelson die in the Battle of Trafalgar?

Nelson was shot by a French sniper during the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805. He was struck while pacing the quarterdeck of his ship HMS Victory with Captain Thomas Hardy, at about 1.15pm. According to accounts of his death, the musket shot struck Nelson down through his left shoulder, with a force that threw him to his knees.

Who was the doctor at Lord Nelson’s death?

Ah, Doctor! – it is all over; it is all over. Dr. William Beatty was a physician aboard the Victory and attended Nelson as he lay dying. The doctor published his account soon after the battle.

Who was the captain of the ship Nelson?

Nelson served in her as an able seaman, then as a midshipman, Oct 1773 – March 1776, under Capt. George Farmer. In August – Sept 1797, Capt. Thomas Fremantle took Nelson home in her so that he could recover from the loss of his arm. Nile: Scouting for Nelson, saw the French fleet off Aboukir Bay on the 21st of July 1798; Capt. Edward James Foote.

What did Nelson see from the deck of the HMS Victory?

As Nelson watched from the deck of the HMS Victory the battle soon turned into a confused melee of combat between individual ships. The fighting was at such close quarters that the Victory became entangled with the French ship Redoubtable.

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