
What organelle helps maintain water balance?

What organelle helps maintain water balance?

A vacuole is a membrane-bound cell organelle. In animal cells, vacuoles are generally small and help sequester waste products. In plant cells, vacuoles help maintain water balance. Sometimes a single vacuole can take up most of the interior space of the plant cell.

What cell structures maintain balance?

Cellular homeostasis involves maintaining a balance of several factors that make a cell healthy. The cell membrane is a lipid bilayer that prevents that passage of water and ions. This allows cells to maintain a higher concentration of sodium ions out the outside of the cell.

Which organelles function in the maintenance of water balance in freshwater protozoa?

Many wall-less protozoa have an organelle, the contractile vacuole complex (CVC), that collects and expels excess water.

Which amongst the following organelle helps in maintaining water balance as well as osmoregulation?

In fresh water protozoa the organelle generally regarded to be responsible for osmoregulation is the contractile vacuole complex (CVC) which is thought to secrete a hypotonic solution.

What maintains water balance?

Thirst is one of the most important mechanisms to maintain water balance. When the body needs water, nerve centers deep within the brain are stimulated, resulting in the sensation of thirst. The sensation becomes stronger as the body’s need for water increases, motivating a person to drink the needed fluids.

How do vacuoles help maintain water balance?

Vacuoles regulate the turgidity by regulating the amount of water inside the cell. cell has excessive water: vacuole absorbs the water and then diffuses it out of the cell. cell lacks water: water from the vacuole gets passed back into the cell thereby maintaining turgidity.

What cell organelle helps maintain homeostasis in water content?

The cell membrane helps to regulate and slow down the flow of water into the cell. This is yet another way that the cell membrane helps maintain homeostasis.

How protozoa maintain homeostasis?

They are surrounded by 6 to 10 radiating canals. The two contractile vacuoles will work alternately and perform Osmoregulation. Maintenance of constant internal environment is called homeostasis. This word is coined by W.B Cannon, in Protozoans homeostasis or Osmoregulation is carried on by contractile vacuoles.

How do flatworms maintain water balance?

Excess water and wastes are expelled from their body through excretory tubules which empty into the environment through pores on their skin. These structures work together to maintain water balance in a flatworm.

What mineral helps maintain osmotic balance?

Transport of Electrolytes across Cell Membranes The solubility of sodium chloride results from its capacity to ionize in water. Salt and other compounds that dissociate into their component ions are called electrolytes. In water, sodium chloride (NaCl) dissociates into the sodium ion (Na+) and the chloride ion (Cl–).

How does the digestive system of a Paramecium work?

Once the digestion is complete, the vacuole starts to shrink and the digested nutrients enter into the cytoplasm. When the completely digested food particles reach the anal pore, it ruptures, thus expelling its wastes outside the cell. Paramecium takes in dissolved oxygen from the surrounding water through osmosis.

Where does the carbon dioxide in Paramecium come from?

Paramecium takes in dissolved oxygen from the surrounding water through osmosis. The carbon dioxide that is breathed out is expelled by diffusion across the cell membrane. The most common mode of reproduction and the only asexual means found in Paramecium is binary fission.

What are the two types of the Paramecium nucleus?

Nucleus: It is of two types which differ in their shape, content and function: a) Macronucleus: Kidney like or ellipsoidal in shape that is densely packed with DNA. The macronucleus controls all the vegetative functions of Paramecium hence called the vegetative nucleus.

Why is conjugation not a mode of reproduction in a Paramecium?

Ans. Conjugation is considered a sexual process and not a mode of reproduction in Paramecium because it only involves exchange of genetic material between two participating cells with no new organisms being formed. Q5. What is the difference between an amoeba and a Paramecium?

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