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What minority groups were overlooked by progressive reform efforts?

What minority groups were overlooked by progressive reform efforts?

African Americans, immigrants from Asia, and Native Americans were largely excluded from the focus of Progressive reform.

Which reform movement do you think had the greatest effect on the United States?

The abolition of slavery was one of the most powerful reform movements.

How do political machines work?

In the politics of representative democracies, a political machine is a political group in which an authoritative leader or small group command the support of a corps of supporters and businesses (usually campaign workers), who receive patronage as reward for their efforts.

Which groups in American society might have opposed Progressive reform explain?

Which groups in American society might have opposed Progressive reform? Explain. Corporations, corrupt politicians, and other businesses opposed progressive reform.

How did Theodore Roosevelt support Progressive reforms quizlet?

How did Theodore Roosevelt support progressive reforms? Theodore Roosevelt supported the Pure Food and Drug Act that was created after the investigation of the meat packing industry. He also used the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up a monopoly.

How did city government change during the Progressive Era quizlet?

How did government change During the Progressive Era? Local government was reformed with new leaders, some because of natural disasters, mayors introduced progressive reforms without changing how gov. was organized.

Do you think the system of testing government job applicants created by the Pendleton Civil Service Act would work to reduce corruption in the spoils system?

Do you think the system of testing created by the Pendleton Civil Service Act would work to reduce corruption in the spoils systems? Why or Why Not? It would decrease the opportunities for jobs to be awarded as a spoil because job candidates would have to be educated and qualified.

How is the economy controlled by the government?

An economic system in which there is no private ownership – property is held by the community rather than by individuals. All economic activity is controlled by the government, including things like what crops are grown, what goods are manufactured, and to whom they are sold and at what prices.

How does the government provide a service to a business?

The government provides a service that private businesses will not offer. The government passes laws that keep electricity rates affordable. The government has partial ownership in a business along with investors.

What kind of economic system does socialism have?

Socialism is an economic system in which there is government ownership (often referred to as “state run”) of goods and their production, with an impetus to share work and wealth equally among the members of a society. Under socialism, everything that people produce, including services, is considered a social product.

How does economic freedom affect the cost of production?

It takes away some economic freedom from businesses to ensure economic freedom for consumers. It increases the cost of production for businesses in the long term, but it does not impact them in the short term. It decreases production costs for businesses in exchange for them agreeing to lower their prices to consumers.

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