
What led to the transformation that began in Europe in the early sixteenth century?

What led to the transformation that began in Europe in the early sixteenth century?

Profound changes began to overtake Europe beginning in the sixteenth century. Christianity, which had served as the main unifying element in Europe after the collapse of the Roman empire, was permanently fragmented by the Protestant Reformation. The age also witnessed the rise of strong centralized states.

What are the characteristics of capitalism in the early modern age what financial innovations supported the growth of capitalism in Europe?

What financial innovations supported the growth of capitalism in Europe? Joint-stock companies like EEIC and VOC organized commerce on a new scale. Capitalism actively supported by governments, especially in England and Netherlands. Protected rights of private property, upheld contracts, settled disputed.

How did European monarchs increase their power in the early modern era what are some of the common characteristics of the new monarchs explain?

What are some common characteristics of the new monarchs? New monarchs wanted to secure their spot as monarch, and wanted to keep their lifestyle. They increased their power by expansion and conquering.

Which of these was essential to the spread of the Reformation across Europe *?

The Printing Press Played a Vital Role Johann Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press around 1448 had a significant impact on the spread of ideas in Europe and beyond. Printed technology traveled quickly across Europe and played a key role in the success of the Protestant Reformation.

What factors in the early modern era led to a European dominated world system?

What factors in the early modern era led to a European dominated world system? Europe was the most industrialized, sought cheap raw materials, and a market to sell those materials through the colonies. European imperialism was a big factor and its way of “westernizing” its colonies gave them dominance.

What led to the rise of capitalism in Europe?

So the transatlantic slave trade and plantation wealth were the major causes of the growth of capitalism in Europe. The transatlantic slave trade directly led to the rise of many sea-port towns, notably Bristol and Liverpool in Britain, Nantes and Bordeaux in France, and Seville in Spain.

When did capitalism began in Europe?

The concept of capitalism has many debated roots, but fully fledged capitalism is generally thought by scholars to have emerged in Northwestern Europe, especially in Great Britain and the Netherlands, in the 16th to 17th centuries.

What was the reasons for the rapid spread of the Reformation in Europe?

Martin Luther was dissatisfied with the authority that clergy held over laypeople in the Catholic Church. Luther’s Protestant idea that clergy shouldn’t hold more religious authority than laypeople became very popular in Germany and spread quickly throughout Europe.

What influence did the Reformation have on European expansion?

The Protestant Reformation caused the British to separate themselves from the Catholic Church, which was the primary colonizing force in the Americas at the time, thanks to the Inter caetera, a papal decree which supposedly gave divine permission to Spain and Portugal to colonize and convert whatever peoples and lands …

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