
What led to the first great boom of the West?

What led to the first great boom of the West?

The discovery of gold and silver created the first great boom in the West—mining. the site, hoping to strike it rich. food and supplies. Mining camps quickly sprang up.

What threatened Native American civilizations?

They were threatened by diseases, poverty, land seizure and deportation.

What threatened the livelihood of Southern farmers?

How were the livelihoods of the southern farmers threatened What threatened this livelihood? Although many southern farmers looked up the northern banking system as a threat, it was the boll weevil that could completely diminish a crop, and therefore threaten the income of a farmer.

Which of the following revoked the civil rights of southern African Americans?

The correct answer is option C. Local and state laws revoked southern black’s civil rights. The 15th Amendment gave the voting rights to Southern Blacks, which was reserved only for white Americans. The civil rights movement became a symbol of social justice in USA.

What was the great boom in the West?

Challenges in the Late 1800s 2.2 The West Is Transformed Mining was the first great boom in the West. Mining camps sprang up quickly. As industry in the West grew, the need for a transcontinental railroad linking the East and the West became apparent.

Which president was known for his integrity Gilded Age?

Hayes. Hayes himself had tremendous integrity, but his Presidency was weakened by the means of his election.

How did railroads benefit Western cattle ranchers?

How did new railroads benefit western cattle ranchers? They provided a way to transport meat to eastern markets. They allowed cowboys to travel easily between cattle herds and their homes. They made it easier for ranchers to keep track of their herds.

How did the South keep railroad construction costs down group of answer choices?

How did the South keep railroad construction costs down? mining. Which of the following best describes Native Americans’ situation at the end of the Indian Wars? They were forced to move west or north or to live on reservations.

Which factor limited the economic recovery of the South after the Civil War?

Which of the following was a factor that limited the economic recovery of the South after the Civil War? New cities rose up in Georgia, Texas, and Tennessee. Railroad lines were expanded in Southern states. Southerners lobbied the federal government for financial help.

Which is the main cause of ethnic conflict?

Data and documents show that Ethnic differences’ and discrimination were the main cause of ethnic violence. The results indicated that much country in the world encounter with ethnic conflict during decades. But incidence of ethnic violence was different in varying country.

Why are people in conflict with each other?

When in conflict, it is probably true that everyone has a different goal in mind for the outcome of the conflict. It could be to have the other person give in, a compromise, or any number of other items (often financial). When we don’t articulate our goals, we often have conflicts without ever understanding why we are in conflict.

Why are goals often the cause of conflict?

Goals are often the reason for conflict. The problem with goals is that we often do not articulate our goals out of fear. We fear that if we show our cards, we might not get what we want. When in conflict, it is probably true that everyone has a different goal in mind for the outcome of the conflict.

Why do we not articulate our goals in conflict?

The problem with goals is that we often do not articulate our goals out of fear. We fear that if we show our cards, we might not get what we want. When in conflict, it is probably true that everyone has a different goal in mind for the outcome of the conflict.

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