
What is your definition of war?

What is your definition of war?

1 : a state or period of fighting between states or nations. 2 : a struggle between opposing forces or for a particular end the war on poverty. war. verb. warred; warring.

What is the best definition of war?

noun. a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air. a state or period of armed hostility or active military operations: The two nations were at war with each other.

What is the cause of wars?

Answer: There are many potential reasons, including: competition over territory and resources, historical rivalries and grievances, and in self defense against an aggressor or a perceived potential aggressor.

Why is there a war?

What is war types of war?

Three pure types of war are distinguished, viz., absolute war, instrumental war, and agonistic fighting.

How is the nature of war related to other things?

The nature of war describes its unchanging essence: that is, those things that differentiate war (as a type of phenomenon) from other things. War’s nature is violent, interactive, and fundamentally political. Absent any of these elements, what you’re talking about is not war but something else.

How to study the nature and character of war and warfare?

Fully studying the nature of war and the character of warfare requires historical and theoretical study. Historical provides exposure to the continuities and changes in war and warfare. First, study in width. To observe how warfare has developed over a long historical period. Next, study in depth.

How is War described in the character of war?

War’s nature is violent, interactive, and fundamentally political. Absent any of these elements, what you’re talking about is not war but something else. The character of war describes the changing way that war as a phenomenon manifests in the real world.

Which is a characteristic of the enduring nature of war?

War has an enduring nature that demonstrates four continuities: a political dimension, a human dimension, the existence of uncertainty and that it is a contest of wills. [2] . Clausewitz, author of the most comprehensive theory of war, provided a description of war’s enduring nature in the opening chapter of On War.

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