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What is the purpose of Article 5 Section 1?

What is the purpose of Article 5 Section 1?

Short Version — This is a summary of the important issues covered in this section of the U.S. Constitution. Amendments may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress. Two-thirds of the state legislatures may ask Congress to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.

How does the federal government give money to the States?

Usually require that the state contribute money in addition to the national money Most federal aid is distributed to the states in the form of categorical grants. federal grants given to state and local governments for broad purposes, such as welfare, community development, public health, or education.

How does the federal government impose mandates on the States?

The U.S. government may impose federal mandates or demands on states to carry out certain policies in a condition of receiving grant money. actions imposed by the federal or state government on lower levels of government which are not accompanied by the money needed to fund the action required. Unfunded Mandates affect local governments.

How is the power of the federal government expanded?

The power of the national government expanded with increased use of grants-in-aid. federal grants that can only be used for a specific purpose, or category, of state and local spending. Usually require that the state contribute money in addition to the national money Most federal aid is distributed to the states in the form of categorical grants.

How is federal aid distributed to the States?

Most federal aid is distributed to the states in the form of categorical grants. federal grants given to state and local governments for broad purposes, such as welfare, community development, public health, or education. States usually prefer block grants because they are designed to allow state officials to spend the money as they see fit.

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