What is the function of the zone of maturation?

What is the function of the zone of maturation?

In the zone of maturation, cells differentiate and serve such functions as protection, storage, and conductance. Seen in cross section, the zone of maturation of many roots has an outer layer (the epidermis), a deeper level (the cortex), and a central region that includes the conducting vascular tissue.

What is the meristematic zone?

Meristem Zones The apical meristem, also known as the “growing tip,” is an undifferentiated meristematic tissue found in the buds and growing tips of roots in plants. Its main function is to trigger the growth of new cells in young seedlings at the tips of roots and shoots and forming buds.

What are the four root zones?

These regions, starting at the tip and moving upwards towards the stem, are the root cap, zone of active cell division, zone of cell elongation, and zone of maturation.

Why are root hairs only in the zone of maturation?

Root hairs grow in the zone of maturation, and this is where they begin to push out into the soil to gather water and mineral nutrients. Root hairs considerably enhance the root biomass and boost a plant’s capacity to absorb more water and nutrients.

What happens in the region of maturation in plants?

Cell differentiation takes place in the zone of maturation. This is where cells take on an identity about what function they will serve within the plant’s root system. Cells become parenchyma cells, to store and move nutrients. Or, they may become sclerencyma cells, which become part of the cell wall.

What is root hair zone?

Root hair, or absorbent hairs, are tubular outgrowths of an epidermal cell of a root, a hair-forming cell on the epidermis of a plant root. They are found in the region of maturation, also called the zone of differentiation of the root.

Which of the listed tissues are found in the zone of maturation of a root?

ZONE OF MATURATION (= ZONE OF CELL DIFFERENTIATION): The vascular tissues of the root become differentiated. Instead of forming bundles containing xylem and phloem, as in leaves and young shoots, the xylem forms a solid mass in the center, surrounded by strands of phloem. (See Figure 2.)

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