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What is the area of the Perimeter is 12 cm?

What is the area of the Perimeter is 12 cm?

The answer is 9 cm2 .

What is the Perimeter of 8 cm and 12 cm?

R D Sharma – Mathematics 9 Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 12 cm and breadth is 8 cm. Given!!! So the Perimeter of rectangle is 40 cm.

How do you find area with Perimeter and length?

What is its area? Divide the perimeter by 4: that gives you the length of one side. Then square that length: that gives you the area.

What is the area of 12 cm and 5cm?

We can say that Height = AB = 5cm and Base = BC = 12cm. Therefore, the area of the triangle with sides 5cm, 12cm, 13cm is 30cm2.

What is the area of 8 cm and 3cm?

A rectangle has 4 sides: 2 of them will be the length (8cm) and 2 of them the width (3cm). To get the perimeter, you add up 2 of the length and 2 of the width: 2 x 8 + 2 x 3. The answer therefore is 22cm (don’t forget the units!) The area of the rectangle is worked out by mulitplying the length by the width: 8 x 3.

What is the area of 10cm and 16cm?

Area:length*breadth=16*10=160 square cm.

How to find the area of a square of perimeter 12 cm?

Find the area of a square of perimeter 12 cm? The answer is 9 cm2. Firstly, we have to find the length each side of the square.

Which is the limit of the perimeter of a circle?

This limit is the circumference. Hence, the circumference of a circle is the limit of the perimeter of a regular polygon inscribed into the circle when the number of its vertices is doubled indefinitely. Because all circles are similar, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is the same number for all circles.

How to calculate the semicircle area of a circle?

Semicircle area formula Knowing the semicircle definition – half of a circle – we can easily write the semicircle area formula using the well-known circle area, πr² : Area semicircle = Area circle / 2 = πr² / 2 The area of a semicircle is just a half of the area of a full circle.

Is the length of an arc equal to the circumference?

An arch length is a portion of the circumference of a circle. The ratio of the length of an arc to the circumference is equal to the ratio of the measure of the arc to 360 360 degrees. A sector of a circles is the region bounded by two radii of the circle and their intercepted arc.

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