What is it called when you believe your culture is better than another culture?

What is it called when you believe your culture is better than another culture?

Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of your own culture. It results from judging other cultures by your own cultural ideals.

What is the process by which a culture takes ideas from other cultures?

Diffusion is the movement of things and ideas from one culture to another. When diffusion occurs, the form of a trait may move from one society to another but not its original cultural meaning.

What is cultural understanding?

Cultural awareness is the understanding that our own culture differs from one individual and group to the next, and specifically from our target language. Being culturally aware enables us to communicate with people more effectively, beyond words and grammar, by understanding their culture.

What is cultural centrism?

Culture-centrism is a tendency for individuals to judge people of other groups, societies, or lifestyles according to the standards of one’s own in-group or culture, often viewing out-groups as inferior (McAuliffe & Milliken, 2009).

Why do we need to understand different cultures?

It is becoming clear that in order to build communities that are successful at improving conditions and resolving problems, we need to understand and appreciate many cultures, establish relationships with people from cultures other than our own, and build strong alliances with different cultural groups.

How are people able to acquire new cultures?

For example, it is possible to acquire a new culture by moving to a new country or region, by a change in our economic status, or by becoming disabled. When we think of culture this broadly we realize we all belong to many cultures at once. Do you agree? How might this apply to you? Why is culture important?

What is the difference between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

the deliberate imposition of one’s own cultural values on another culture. cultural relativism: the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards, and not in comparison to another culture. culture shock: an experience of personal disorientation when confronted with an unfamiliar way of life. ethnocentrism:

What do you need to know about cultural relativism?

Practicing cultural relativism requires an open mind and a willingness to consider, and even adapt to, new values and norms. However, indiscriminately embracing everything about a new culture is not always possible.

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