
What is a chador and what does it represent?

What is a chador and what does it represent?

/ ˈtʃʌd ər / PHONETIC RESPELLING. 💼 Post-College Level. noun. the traditional garment of Muslim and Hindu women, consisting of a long, usually black or drab-colored cloth or veil that envelops the body from head to foot and covers all or part of the face.

What is the purpose of a chador?

A chador is an outer garment worn by women in some parts of the Middle East, particularly Iran and Iraq. It is a semi-circle, floor-length covering that hangs from the top of the head, flowing over the clothing underneath in order to hide the shape or curve of a woman’s body.

What is a chador in Afghanistan?

significance in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan: Daily life and social customs. …have continued to wear the chador (or chadri, in Afghanistan), the full body covering mandated by the Taliban. This has been true even of those women of the middle class (most in Kabul) who had shed that garment during the communist era.

What is a synonym for chador?

chador, chadar, chaddar, chuddarnoun. a cloth used as a head covering (and veil and shawl) by Muslim and Hindu women. Synonyms: chadar, chuddar, chaddar.

Why do people in Iran wear black?

Before the 1978–1979 Iranian Revolution, black chadors were reserved for funerals and periods of mourning; colourful, patterned fabrics were the norm for everyday wear. Currently, the majority of Iranian women who wear the chador use the black version outside, and reserve light-coloured chadors for indoor use.

Who Wears chador?

Iranian women
The chador is a full-length cloak worn by many Iranian women, typically held closed at the front by the wearer’s hands or under their arms. The dupatta is a long scarf draped across the head and shoulders, and is often accompanied by matching garments.

What is chador in Islam?

Chador. The chador is a full-body-length shawl held closed at the neck by hand or pin. It covers the head and the body but leaves the face completely visible. Chadors are most often black and are most common in the Middle East, specifically in Iran.

Why is the chador black?

Before the 1978–1979 Iranian Revolution, black chadors were reserved for funerals and periods of mourning. Light, printed fabrics were the norm for everyday wear. Currently, the majority of women who wear the chador reserve the usage of light-colored chadors for around the house or for prayers.

What is the difference between a burqa and chador?

The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It is a one-piece veil that covers the face and body, often leaving just a mesh screen to see through. It covers the hair, neck and shoulders completely, but leaves the face clear. The chador, worn by many Iranian women when outside the house, is a full-body cloak.

What is the synonym of complacent?

smug, self-satisfied, pleased with oneself, proud of oneself, self-approving, self-congratulatory, self-admiring, self-regarding. gloating, triumphant, proud. pleased, gratified, satisfied, content, contented. careless, slack, lax, lazy.

What does a chador represent?

A chador is an outer garment worn by women in some parts of the Middle East, particularly Iran and Iraq. It is a semi-circle, floor-length covering that hangs from the top of the head, flowing over the clothing underneath in order to hide the shape or curve of a woman’s body. In Farsi, the word chador literally means “tent.”

What does chador mean?

Definition of chador. : a large cloth worn as a combination head covering, veil, and shawl usually by Muslim women especially in Iran.

What is the difference between the hijab, niqab and burka?

What is the Difference Between the Hijab, Niqab and Burka? Hijab. ‘Hijab’ is often a generic term for the attire that Muslim women wear to cover their heads as a religious practice. Burka. The burka is worn by Muslim women in Central Asia and is a long, voluminous outer garment that covers the entire body, with a grille covering the face. Niqab. The niqab is a veil that covers the face, and is usually black.

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