What is a bellows mender?

What is a bellows mender?

His occupation is a bellows-mender. Flute’s name, like that of the other mechanicals, is metonymical and derives from his craft: “Flute” references a church organ, an instrument prominently featuring the bellows a bellows-mender might be called upon to repair.

Why does flute not want to play a female role?

Flute is slated to play the part of Thisbe, but Flute doesn’t want to play a woman’s part because he has a beard growing. Snout: Thisbe’s father. When Quince announces Snug will be the lion, Bottom begs to be allowed to play the lion.

Why didn’t flute want to play the part of a woman in the play that was arranged for the wedding of the Duke?

Flute, the bellows mender, is assigned the role of the heroine, Thisbe. Not happy to play a female role because he wants to let his beard grow, Flute is pleased to learn that he can wear a mask for the performance so he won’t need to shave.

What excuse does Francis Flute give for not wanting to play the part of a woman?

Flute doesn’t want to play a woman because he is growing a beard. It is funny that he has to dress up as a woman against his will. Bottom is acting like an ass and trying to take over every part. Quince is the play writer and mixes up his words.

Who was the darker Hermia or Helena?

Helena and Hermia are both said to be beautiful, but they look very different from one another. Helena is depicted as being noticeably taller than Hermia and having lighter colored skin and hair. Hermia is depicted as being of a darker complexion.

What food bottoms crave?

At the rehearsal some time later, Oberon witnesses Bottom’s portrayal of Pyramus and decides to punish him for doing it so awkwardly by giving him a donkey’s head. Along with the change in appearance, Bottom begins to crave donkey feed and brays when he talks.

Who once hated Helena but now loves her?

Lysander treats Hermia very badly. He is rude to her, saying that he hates her, insulting her and telling her that he loves Helena. Hermia cannot believe what he says because it was not moments ago that Lysander and her were madly in love with eachother.

What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?

Act 3 Scene 1

Original Text Modern Text
TITANIA 60 (waking) What angel wakes me from my flowery bed? TITANIA (waking up) What angel is this who’s waking me up from my bed of flowers?

Is Hermia prettier than Helena?

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