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What figurative language is used in the poem If by Rudyard Kipling?

What figurative language is used in the poem If by Rudyard Kipling?

Personification is attributing human characteristics to non-human objects. In the above line, the poet urges us not to allow our ‘dreams’ to act like our master and control us. Our dreams acting like a master is a personification of dream.

Is there any use of alliteration metaphor or simile in the poem If?

Here is a metaphor from the poem: ‘[If you can] watch the things you gave your life to, broken, / And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools.” The metaphor is effective because it makes the reader understand the loss being discussed by using the words “broken” and “stoop,” physical descriptions that describe an …

Is there personification in the poem If by Rudyard Kipling?

In “If,” a poem about the kind of moral courage and wisdom it takes to become a man, Kipling uses personification several times. In the poem’s third stanza, Kipling uses personification to describe an abstract quality. He says: “If you can dream and not make dreams your master …”

Why poetic devices are used in the poem?

Poetic devices are tools that a poet can use to create rhythm, enhance a poem’s meaning, or intensify a mood or feeling. These devices help piece the poem together, much like a hammer and nails join planks of wood together.

What is consonance poetic device?

Consonance is a stylistic literary device identified by the repetition of identical or similar consonants in neighboring words whose vowel sounds are different (e.g. coming home, hot foot). Consonance may be regarded as the counterpart to the vowel-sound repetition known as assonance.

What are the alliteration used in the poem If?

Here is an example of alliteration from the poem “If”: “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, / Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch.” This could be paraphrased as follows: if you can speak publicly, perhaps being the center of attention, and stay committed to being moral and upright, and if you can …

Which figure of speech is used in the poem If?

It’s a metaphor for risk. Personification is when something that is not human is described as if it was human. Triumph and disaster are concepts, and they are described as human, given human qualities like that ability to master you.

What are the literary devices in if by Rudyard Kipling?

Kipling makes use of several literary devices in ‘If—.’ These include but are not limited to repetition, enjambment, and caesura. The latter is a formal device that occurs when the poet inserts a pause into the middle of a line. This might be done with punctuation or with the meter.

What kind of meter does if by Rudyard Kipling use?

Rudyard Kipling ‘s “If” employs many different devices. Three of those devices include iambic pentameter, paradox, and didacticism. The poem has four octaves written in iambic pentameter. (Incidentally, Shakespeare’s sonnets are famous for using iambic pentameter, too.) The use of this meter provides a rhythm…

What is the meaning of Kipling’s ” if ” poem?

Finally, Kipling’s “If” is a didactic poem. This means that the poem is used as a device to instruct or teach a moral lesson. That lesson centers around imparting a lot of wisdom that the speaker has collected over the course of his life.

Why are literary devices important to a poet?

Literary devices allow poets to choose their words to create style within meaning. Although all literary genres use devices to extend meanings, create romance and intrigue readers, poets depend on these tools in crafting poems.

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