
What does Uncle Argyle do for William?

What does Uncle Argyle do for William?

Answer: Argyle He teaches William to use his mind before his weapons.

Did William Wallace have an uncle?

Myth: Wallace’s father is Malcolm Wallace who is later killed along with young Wallace’s brother John, after which Wallace’s uncle Argyle adopts the young boy. Uncle Argyle was a fictional character, although an uncle or two may have indeed helped educate William as a boy.

Who was William Wallace’s uncle Argyle?

Argyle Wallace was the brother-in-law of Malcolm Wallace, and he was from a family of minor nobles. Argyle became fluent in Latin and French, and in 1280 he became the guardian of his nephew William Wallace after the death of Malcolm in battle against the Kingdom of England.

Who raised William Wallace?

Wallace was born around 1270, probably near Ellerslie, in Ayrshire, Scotland. His father was Sir Malcolm Wallace, a small landowner and a Scottish knight. William was the second of three sons. He had spent his childhood at Dunipace, near Stirling, under the supervision of his uncle, who was a priest.

Did the Princess of England have William Wallace’s child?

There is no historical evidence that the Princess and Wallace have ever met. Edward III was born seven years after Wallace’s death.

What was the name of William Wallace’s father?

History: Wallace’s father’s name was Alan Wallace, not Malcolm, and he would not have been killed when Wallace was a boy. In fact he was likely alive when Wallace was fighting his rebellion. Wallace had a brother named Malcolm though, in addition to his brother John.

Who was killed when William Wallace was a boy?

His brother John Wallace was not killed when Wallace was a boy, but was executed by the English in 1306, a year after Wallace’s execution. Uncle Argyle was a fictional character, although an uncle or two may have indeed helped educate William as a boy. Myth: Wallace fell in love with a lady called Murron, and secretly weds her.

How did William Wallace become famous in Scotland?

It was within this volatile political context that William Wallace was to appear in the history books. According to legend, and to the movie Braveheart, Wallace had lost his father to English tyranny when he was just a boy, and was raised by his uncle. Wallace statue by D. W. Stevenson on the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh.

Why did William Wallace want to be an outlaw?

While Wallace may have been avenging a murdered wife, there are no sources that confirm this. Furthermore, it seems that he was already an outlaw by 1297, and intent on fighting the English. Wallace was a violent and brutal guerilla leader — his early campaigns were intended to destabilize English rule in Scotland.

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