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What does the crowd say it will do for Brutus What does the crowd say about Caesar Why does the crowd let Antony speak at all?

What does the crowd say it will do for Brutus What does the crowd say about Caesar Why does the crowd let Antony speak at all?

What does the crowd say about Caesar? They will call him a tyrant. Why does the crowd let Antony speak at all? They promised Brutus they would hear him out.

What is the crowd reaction to Brutus speech?

The crowd is quite impressed by his passion and his rhetoric but their response shows that they have understood nothing of what he was actually trying to say. They call for him to be honoured, as Caesar was. This is utterly ironic as the elevation of any one man is precisely what Brutus has just been arguing against.

What did Brutus convince the citizens about Caesar?

The letter asks Brutus to take leadership for the people of Rome. Lucius announces the arrival of a group of men requesting to speak with Brutus. The conspirators come in the middle of the night to convince Brutus that Caesar must be killed, and that only Brutus can save Rome from tyranny.

How should the people view the conspirator’s according to Brutus in his speech?

He also says Caesar was ambitious. How should the people view the conspirators and Caesar, according to Brutus’s funeral speech? as true Romans who acted to save their country from tyranny.

What is the goal of Brutus speech did he achieve it?

BRUTUS’ SPEECH: Brutus persuades his audience (common people) that he had good and noble reasons to kill Caesar. His message is that he had to kill Caesar because Caesar was too ambitious and he would enslave the Romans if he lived.

Why do Brutus and Antony speak to the crowd in Act III?

Brutus addresses the onstage crowd, assuring them that they may trust in his honor. He did not kill Caesar out of a lack of love for him, he says, but because his love for Rome outweighed his love of a single man.

What two reasons does Brutus give the crowd for listening to what he has to say?

What is the crowd’s reaction? Brutus says Caesar was ambitious and would make the people slaves, so he slew him because he loved Rome more than he loved Caesar. The crowd believes him and adores him.

How does Brutus ask the crowd to judge him by and become better evaluators?

He begins his speech by asking the crowd to remain quiet until he finishes his explanation, and he asks them to listen carefully to his words so that they can judge for themselves whether or not Brutus acted justly. Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your senses that you may the better judge.

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