
What does sterile mean?

What does sterile mean?

adjective. free from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic: sterile surgical instruments. incapable of producing offspring; not producing offspring. barren; not producing vegetation: sterile soil.

What does your sterile mean?

A sterile person can’t have kids, and a sterile environment is bland and boring. In both cases, sterile means lifeless. When you hear about a sterile person, it means they can’t have kids: sterile women can’t get pregnant, and sterile men can’t be fathers. But the concept of sterility applies to things, too.

What is sterility simple?

1. The state or condition of being unable to reproduce sexually: barrenness, infertility, sterilization. 2. sterilization.

What is sterility example?

For example, a woman that has a tubal ligation or hysterectomy is considered sterile and therefore, infertile. In contrast, a woman may not have infertility issues—but if her male partner is sterile, the couple would suffer from infertility.

What is an example of sterile?

The definition of sterile is something totally clean and free from bacteria, a living thing that is not able to reproduce sexually and create offspring, or something that is lacking in interest or vitality. A man who has had a vasectomy is an example of someone who is sterile.

What does it mean for a woman to be sterile?

What is Sterility? One common definition of sterility is the inability to create offspring (children) as a result of a procedure—such as tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or vasectomy.

What does it mean for a guy to be sterile?

Sterility, also called infertility, refers to an inability to produce or release sperm.

What does sterile mean for a woman?

Sterility is the inability to achieve a pregnancy after a year of trying to have a child (without using contraceptives). In contrast, infertility is the inability to give live birth to a baby. In other words, the woman becomes pregnant, but the baby is not born alive.

How do you become sterile?

There are two ways that sterilization for women can be performed: minilaparotomy and laparoscopy. Minilaparotomy—A small incision (cut) is made in the abdomen. The fallopian tubes are brought up through the incision. A small section of each tube is removed, or both tubes can be removed completely.

Why is Pee sterile but poop isn t?

Firstly, urine from a healthy person is pathogen free, as is the same person’s faeces. Secondly, the lack of any pathogens in the urine does not mean that the urine is sterile which would imply that it would be void of any microbial activity.

What do you mean by the word sterile?

Not able to produce offspring,seeds,or fruit; unable to reproduce.

  • Producing little or no plant life; barren: a desolate,sterile region.
  • Free from disease-causing microorganisms: a sterile bandage.
  • What does sterile refer to?

    Sterile or sterility may refer to: Asepsis, a state of being free from biological contaminants. Sterile (archaeology), sediment containing no evidence of human activity.

    What does it mean to be sterile?

    Use sterile in a sentence. adjective. The definition of sterile is something totally clean and free from bacteria, a living thing that is not able to reproduce sexually and create offspring, or something that is lacking in interest or vitality.

    What is a simple definition of the word sterile?

    1. Not able to produce offspring, seeds, or fruit; unable to reproduce. 2. Producing little or no plant life; barren: a desolate, sterile region. 3. Free from disease-causing microorganisms: a sterile bandage. sterility (stə-rĭl’ĭ-tē) noun. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition.

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