
What did the Spartans force their neighbors to become?

What did the Spartans force their neighbors to become?

Spartans conquered their neighbors and forced them to become slaves. They greatly outnumbered the Spartans. A city State in Ancient Greece that was the main rival of Sparta.

What happened after Sparta conquered a neighborhood land?

What happened after Sparta conquered a neighboring land? Spartans demanded that the conquered people leave the land and let Spartans move in. Spartans demanded that the conquered people give Sparta much of their food crops. The conquered people moved to Sparta and sold their goods in the marketplace.

How did people become citizens in Sparta?

Only native Spartans were considered full citizens, and were obliged to undergo military training as prescribed by law, as well as participate in, and contribute financially to, one of the syssitia.

Why did Sparta start conquering its neighbors?

While the Athenian economy depended on trade, Sparta’s economy relied on farming and on conquering other people. Sparta didn’t have enough land to feed all its people, so Spartans took the land they needed from their neighbors.

What happened after Sparta conquered a neighboring land quizlet?

What happened after Sparta conquered a neighboring land? Spartans demanded that the conquered people give Sparta much of their food crops. What best describes education in Sparta? Both boys and girls got military training.

How did the Spartans treat their neighbors?

Spartans were known for their warfare tradition. They didn’t care much about their neighbors unless they needed something from them. Usually, when they needed land for new settlements they would attack the neighbors and take their land as prize for their victory.

Who were the Spartans neighbors?

Sparta Sparta began as a city-state of farmers. As the population grew, Spartans needed more land to farm. To get more, they invaded their neighbors, the Messenians. After a long war, they finally conquered the rich land of Messenia in 715 and made the Messenians their slaves.

What was the history of Sparta before the Spartans?

Spartan History Before Ancient Sparta. The story of Ancient Sparta typically begins in the 8th or 9th century BCE with the founding of Sparta and the emergence of a unified Greek language. However, people had been living in the area where Sparta would be founded starting in the Neolithic Era, which dates back some 6,000 years.

What did the Spartans do in the Lelantine War?

During the 7th century Lelantine War, a long war between the Greek trading powers Eretria and Chalcis and their allies, distracted the Greeks, Sparta made a power grab. The Spartans vowed to conquer their neighbors, Messenia, no matter how long and how many set backs they suffered.

How did the 300 Spartans hold off the Persians?

The 300 Spartan hoplites never intended to hold the pass alone. They relied on 700 warriors from Thespiae and 440 from Thebes to fill their ranks. When combined with other Greek forces that met up with them at Thermopylae, Leonidas commanded thousands of troops. Depiction of a Greek hoplite and a Persian warrior fighting each other.

What did the Spartan Warriors do for a living?

The ancient Spartan warriors are known for their bravery, professionalism and skill, a reputation well deserved. At their zenith they proved themselves to be the best of the Greek hoplite warriors, the premier fighting force of their time.

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