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What did Romeo and Juliet people eat?

What did Romeo and Juliet people eat?

It even includes recipes of foods they might have eaten. There would have been lots of different kinds of meat–beef, pork, pheasant, and all sorts of other birds–fresh fruit, breads, wine, other types of alcoholic drinks–beer, mead, for instance.

What are some of Juliet’s hobbies?

Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging out with her maid, daydreaming about Romeo, when she should be thinking about Paris.

Who was Juliet in love with?

Juliet Capulet, on the cusp of 14 years old, falls in love with Romeo, the son of her family’s enemy. She subsequently proposes marriage. With the help of Nurse, her guardian, they are secretly married.

What is Juliet’s appearance?

Physical Appearance Juliet is very young, about 14 years old. She has long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is very pale and wears a cross around her neck along with her red and yellow robes and dresses. She also wears a gold and red hairpiece.

How does Romeo know that Juliet died?

Romeo learns of Juliet’s supposed death from Balthasar in Act V, Scene 1. Friar Laurence had sent Friar John with a message for Romeo to let him know that Juliet was in fact still alive, but it did not reach Romeo in Mantua in time because Friar John was quarantined.

What do they do with all the food from the wedding Romeo and Juliet?

90Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse, And all things change them to the contrary. All the things that we prepared for the wedding party will now be used for the funeral.

What does Romeo say a kiss from Juliet will take from him?

Romeo says that a kiss from Juliet will rid him of his sins. WHAT does Romeo say a kiss from Juliet will take from him? Juliet wants Romeo to have a different name because lady Capulet knows that Romeo is a montague and they don’t get along. So they can be together without conflict.

Does Rosaline like Romeo?

She is the niece of Lord Capulet. Although an unseen character, her role is important: Romeo’s unrequited love for Rosaline leads him to try to catch a glimpse of her at a gathering hosted by the Capulet family, during which he first spots Juliet.

What foods did Romeo eat in Romeo and Juliet?

The first course consisted of a civet of hare, a quarter of stag which had been a night in salt, a stuffed chicken, and a loin of veal. The two last dishes were covered with a German sauce, with gilt sugar-plums, and pomegranate seeds….

What foods did people drink in the Elizabethan era?

City water wasn’t very clean, so most people drank wine or ale or sometimes cider. (linked below) describes a multi-course royal banquet: The first course consisted of a civet of hare, a quarter of stag which had been a night in salt, a stuffed chicken, and a loin of veal.

What kind of food did the Renaissance people eat?

It even includes recipes of foods they might have eaten. There would have been lots of different kinds of meat–beef, pork, pheasant, and all sorts of other birds–fresh fruit, breads, wine, other types of alcoholic drinks–beer, mead, for instance. Renaissance diners rarely used utensils like we do today…they used their hands for the most part.

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