
What are the major ethnic groups in Panama?

What are the major ethnic groups in Panama?

Ethnic groups The culture, customs, and language of Panama are predominantly Caribbean Spanish. In 2010 the population was 65% Mestizo (mixed European and Amerindian), 12.3% Native Panamanians, 9.2% black, 6.8% mulattoes, and 6.7% white.

How many ethnic groups are there in Panama?

The Panama government recognizes seven different ethno-linguistic Amerindian groups, as well as a vague ‘other’ category to cover the numerous highland groups whose populations are actually pretty small. Overall, most people of indigenous heritage also have European ancestry, making them mestizos.

Are there Chinese people in Panama?

As of 2003, there were estimated to be between 135,000 and 200,000 Chinese in Panama, making them the largest Chinese community in Central America; they are served by thirty-five separate ethnic representative organisations.

Is Panama an African country?

Panama, country of Central America located on the Isthmus of Panama, the narrow bridge of land that connects North and South America. The home of several Native American peoples, such as the Guaymí, Kuna, and Chocó, Panama became the first Spanish colony on the Pacific.

Were there African slaves in Panama?

Large numbers of enslaved Africans were brought to Panama to transport these goods across the Isthmus as well as to load and unload the ships at both ends of the Camino Real. Africans were also sent to work in the nearby gold mines of Veraguas and Darién. Panama was also important as a slave-trading centre.

What race are Panamanian people?

The racial and cultural composition of Panama is highly diverse. According to recent estimates, some 70% of the inhabitants are mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white) or mulatto (mixed white and black); 14% are Amerindian and mixed (West Indian); 10% are white (mostly Europeans); and 6% are Amerindian.

Is Panama indigenous?

Indigenous peoples of Panama, or Native Panamanians, are the native peoples of Panama. According to the 2010 census, they make up 12.3% of the overall population of 3.4 million, or just over 418,000 people. The Guaymí and Ngöbe-Buglé comprise half of the indigenous peoples of Panama.

What is the culture of Panama?

The culture of Panama is an amalgamation of indigenous, European, and African cultures.

Who are the people of Panama?

Panamanians ( Spanish: Panameños) are people identified with Panama, a country in Central America, whose connection may be residential, legal, historical, or cultural. For most Panamanians, several or all of these connections exist and are collectively the source of their Panamanian identity.

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