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What are the main imports in Australia?

What are the main imports in Australia?

Imports The top imports of Australia are Refined Petroleum ($16.8B), Cars ($15.8B), Crude Petroleum ($7.9B), Broadcasting Equipment ($6.37B), and Delivery Trucks ($5.84B), importing mostly from China ($52.7B), United States ($24.9B), Japan ($14.9B), Germany ($10.4B), and Thailand ($10B).

What food does Australia import?

Australia is now a net importer (that is, we import more than we export) in six food categories: seafood, processed fruit and vegetables, soft drink, cordials and syrup, confectionary, bakery products and oils and fats. Some of the insights in the Story Map are surprising.

What goods are exported to Australia?

List of exports of Australia

# Commodity % share of exports
1 Iron ores & concentrates 15.2
2 Coal 15.0
3 Education 8.0
4 Natural gas 7.7

What do Australians import and export?

Bovine meat ($10.2 billion–4% of the total exports) Inorganic chemicals ($8.2 billion— 3.2% of the total exports) Wheat and cereals ($4.9 billion—1.9% of the total exports) Machinery including computers ($4.8 billion—1.9% of the total exports)

What are Australia’s top 10 imports?

Australia’s Top Ten Imports

  • #1 Machinery (AUD$46.2 billion)
  • #2 Mineral fuels (AUD$43.9 billion)
  • #3 Vehicles (AUD$43.6 billion)
  • #4 Electrical machinery and equipment (AUD$37.1 billion)
  • #5 Medical/technical equipment (AUD$12 billion)
  • #6 Pharmaceuticals (AUD$11.8 billion)
  • #7 Gems and precious metals (AUD$9.5 billion)

What are the top 3 countries Australia imports from?

Top import sources

Rank Country Share of overall imports
1 China 19.4%
2 United States 12.3%
3 Japan 6.4%
4 Germany 4.5%

What are the top 5 Exports of goods from Australia?

Top exports: minerals, services & energy Australia’s top 10 exports ranked by value in FY2018–19 were: iron ore; coal; natural gas; education-related services; personal travel services (excluding education); gold; aluminium; beef; crude petroleum; and copper ore.

Why does Australia import so much?

The main drivers of Australian imports are therefore likely to be Australian incomes, prices of imported goods relative to domestically produced goods, and gradual changes to the structure of the Australian economy and changes in tastes.

What are the major imports and exports of Australia?

The primary imports of Australia include: machinery and transport equipment, computers and office machines, telecommunication equipment and parts, crude oil and petroleum products. The primary exports of Australia include: coal, iron ore, gold, meat, wool, aluminum, wheat, machinery and transport equipment.

What are the important products in Australia?

Australia is an important producer and exporter of agricultural products and a major world supplier of cereals, sugar, and fruit.

What does Australia trade?

Here are Australia’s top 10 two-way trading partners 1. China. Major exports include iron ore, coal and gold. 2. Japan. Major exports include coal, iron ore and beef. 3. United States. Major exports include beef, aircraft and spacecraft parts, and alcoholic beverages. 4. Korea. Major exports include iron ore, coal and crude petroleum . 5. Singapore.

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