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What are characteristics of Odonata?

What are characteristics of Odonata?

Odonata, insect order comprising the dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera) and the damselflies (suborder Zygoptera). The adults are easily recognized by their two pairs of narrow, transparent wings, sloping thorax, and long, usually slender body; the abdomen is almost always longer than any of the wings.

What are dragon flies good for?

Since dragonflies eat mosquitoes and other insects, they help gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts. This also helps the environment, because it allows humans to reduce the use of pesticides to kill these insects. These insects spread such diseases as malaria, yellow fever, dog heartworms, anthrax and tularemia.

Do Odonata have gills?

The Odonata includes two suborders: Dragonflies (Anisoptera) and Damselflies (Zygoptera). In living specimens, the dragonflies generally rest with their wings extended, while the damselflies rest with wings folded together over their back. The larvae live underwater and breathe through gills.

Did you know facts about Dragonfly?

8 Things You Never Knew About Dragonflies

  • Dragonflies Can Intercept Prey Midair.
  • Dragonflies Have Incredibly Sharp Mandibles.
  • Dragonflies Are Freaky Fliers.
  • A Dragonfly’s Head Is All Eyes.
  • Dragonflies Live as Long as 2 Years Underwater.
  • Some Dragonfly Species Lay Eggs in Saltwater.

Are dragonflies Hemimetabolous?

The dragonfly, according to fossil evidence appeared first in the evolutionary process and therefore its life cycle reflects the hemimetabolous development. As shown in the dragonfly life cycle below, the egg is laid in or near water, usually on a floating plant.

Are all Odonata predators?

All adult and larval odonates are predatory. Most Odonata larvae are sit-and-wait predators, which means they remain motionless until an insect or small fish approaches the larva.

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