
Is pushing ice a stand alone novel?

Is pushing ice a stand alone novel?

CENTURY RAIN, PUSHING ICE, HOUSE OF SUNS and TERMINAL WORLD are all unrelated standalone novels.

What happens to the ship in Tau Zero as it approaches the speed of light?

The ship accelerates at a modest constant rate for most of the first half of the journey, eventually achieving an appreciable percentage of the speed of light, and the goal is to decelerate at the same rate during the second half of the journey by reversing the ram scoop fields.

Is there a sequel to Terminal world?

Reynolds has repeatedly said in interviews and on his website that although he did consider incorporating Terminal World’s material into a series while planning it, the novel is complete in its own right and he does not anticipate writing a sequel.

Is pushing ice a series?

Pushing Ice is a 2005 science fiction novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. According to Reynolds’ Web site, the story takes place in a different universe from his Revelation Space stories.

What is tau in time dilation?

The Tau Factor (τ) This time dilation can be expressed in terms of ‘tau’, which is the ratio of time passing on the craft to time on a (relatively) non stationary body. TStationary = Amount of time that has passed on the stationary reference point.

What is tau speed?

The “Tau factor” is the relationship of speed/velocity to the relative slowing of time. The closer one gets to the speed of light, the smaller the Tau factor, and the slower time seems to move. Theoretically, though one can reach immense velocities in the space of space, one can only ever approach Tau Zero.

Is House of Suns a series?

House of Suns is a 2008 science fiction novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. Reynolds announced the title on 7 June 2007, when he was about halfway through writing it.

What is pushing ice about?

The novel traces the life of the colony for many years as they try to eke out an existence on Janus and determine why it is moving through space. They work out a way of deriving power from some alien technology they find, and slowly start to improve their living conditions.

What is Kappa effect?

The kappa effect or perceptual time dilation is a temporal perceptual illusion that can arise when observers judge the elapsed time between sensory stimuli applied sequentially at different locations.

Who is the narrator in House of Suns?

Each subsequent chapter is narrated from the first-person perspective of two shatterlings named Campion and Purslane, alternating between them each chapter.

Who is the author of the book Pushing Ice?

Pushing Ice is a 2005 science fiction novel by Welsh author Alastair Reynolds. According to Reynolds’ Web site, the story takes place in a different universe from his Revelation Space stories.

Who are the main characters in Pushing Ice?

But when Janus, one of Saturn’s ice moons, inexplicably leaves its natural orbit and heads out of the solar system at high speed, Bella is ordered to shadow it for the few vital days before it falls forever out of reach. 2057. Bella Lind and the crew of her nuclearpowered ship, the Rockhopper, push ice. They mine comets.

What kind of ship is The Gristleship in Pushing Ice?

A highly factious species, the Musk Dogs are another species of the Structure. Their ships resemble large organic bones with bits of other ships and technologies bolted on (and floating around) the main section; the only ship to be seen is named The Gristleship by Bella owing to its unfavourable look.

Who are the Fountainheads in Pushing Ice?

They eventually arrive at a vast megastructure where they meet an alien species, called ‘Fountainheads’. The encounter with the benevolent aliens improves the colonists’ situation dramatically. The alien presence is played poorly by Svetlana who loses control of the colony to Bella.

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