How is television used in education?

How is television used in education?

In social science and language, television is used to show real life situation. Television also helps to understand information, which is too complex for the written or spoken explanation.

How television help students in their studies?


  • Provide mass education and opportunity .
  • Stimulate leaning .
  • Social quality in education.
  • Provide flexibility of time and space in learning.
  • Reduce dependency on verbal teaching and teacher.
  • Enhance quality in education.

Why does television have educational value?

Television is a great way to open your child’s mind to a variety of things and help them learn about topics they may not be exposed to at school. On the other hand, television can reinforce what children learn in school and provide a supplementary method to teaching children about important subjects.

How has television impacted education?

Television’s effects on education are long term – positive and negative. Studies have found the following: Children who watched exclusively educational TV as preschoolers had higher grades, less aggression, and placed more value on academics than those who watched all kinds of TV.

Is it true that television has a little real educational value?

Explanation: It has been said that television, has little or no educational value. For example, it used to be true that television had no educational value. When TV was nothing more than sit-coms, cartoons, comedies, and soap operas, but today you actually have more educational options to view.

Why is television bad for education?

The Importance Of Television Influence On Child Development They also have shorter attention spans which mean they cannot focus in learning session. Watch a lot of television also can cause the children to daydreaming in class. They will image them-self as a part of the character in their favourite movie.

How does television affect adolescents academics and behavior?

Research has shown that heavy doses of TV violence viewing are associated with the development of aggressive attitudes and behavior. Finally, television commercials often capitalize on children’s naivete, and also can foster and reinforce overly materialistic attitudes.

What was the original purpose of television?

Entertainment. Some may argue that the main reason the television was invented was for entertainment purposes. This would make sense considering that the inventor of the world’s first electronic television, Philo Taylor Farnsworth, lived in a house without electricity until he was 14 years old.

Is TV educational or not?

TV provides no educational benefits for a child under age 2. Worse, it steals time for activities that actually develop her brain, like interacting with other people and playing. A child learns a lot more efficiently from real interaction – with people and things, rather than things she sees on a video screen.

How does television play a role in education?

When systematically organized it takes the form of school broadcast. In non-formal education, television has a more specific role to play. When used as a part of multi-media communication tool, television can directly or indirectly teach the subject matter.

Why is it important for teachers to use videos?

Teachers can use videos as an introduction to a concept. A good video is a great hook to get younger students interested. For older students, using videos will greatly-prepare them for college. Requiring students to take notes or answer questions based on what they heard imparts listening skills.

What is the role of media in education?

If media is to work as an effective teaching tool then certainly it is helping hand towards, achieving the aim and objectives of education. Media is an agent of boost cultural economic and social development activity. Television, as an important mass medium disseminates education through formal and information methods.

Why is television so important in the world?

Television has been given considerable importance in many countries as a source and a tool of teaching. The success stories of using television for education in many countries has negated the concept that television is basically on entertainment oriented medium and it is hostile to thoughts.

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