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How is autumn described as in to autumn by John Keats?

How is autumn described as in to autumn by John Keats?

Autumn, addressed in line 1 as “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,” is a “Close-bosom friend of the maturing sun” and works with the sun “to load and bless” the trees with fruit.

What are three examples of personification in the second stanza of to autumn?

In “To Autumn” by John Keats, the second stanza constructs the idea that the very season of autumn itself has the human qualities of “sitting” (line 14), sleeping (demonstrated in line 16), and also gazing with a “patient look” (line 21).

What are the four images of personification in the poem Ode to Autumn?

Ans. The poet John Keats has personified the season of autumn in this ode. He presents vivid images of autumn in this poem. Autumn has been picturized in four different images viz harvester, reaper, gleaner and cider-maker.

What is the message of To Autumn?

The main themes in “To Autumn” are the power of nature, the passage of time, and the consolation of beauty. The power of nature: The poem expresses reverence and awe for the great changes wrought by nature as autumn brings its riches to the landscape.

How do you personify autumn?

Autumn is personified as a woman whose union with the male sun sets the ripening process in motion: “Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;/ Conspiring with him how to load and bless/ With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run.”

What are the ways in which autumn has been personified in the second stanza of the poem Ode to Autumn?

In the second stanza, the speaker describes the figure of Autumn as a female goddess, often seen sitting on the granary floor, her hair “soft-lifted” by the wind, and often seen sleeping in the fields or watching a cider-press squeezing the juice from apples.

What is the message of the poem by John Keats?

There is a beauty in Autumn’s abundance and fullness and ripeness, and that is something Spring lacks. The message, then, is that we ought to appreciate the beauty of fall and of finding beauty, perhaps, in unexpected places.

How is autumn season personified in ode to autumn?

How does John Keats personify autumn in the poem ” To Autumn “?

Expert Answers. Personification is the attribution of human characteristics to non-human objects. In his poem “To Autumn,” English poet John Keats employed the literary device of personification to the autumnal season, as well as to other non-human objects, such as insects.

How are autumn and the sun related to each other?

Autumn and the sun are compared to a pair of people whispering secrets to each other. The two people are said to be close friends, and they conspire with each other about various plans. I picture a couple of my junior-high students whispering to each other in the back of the classroom.

Which is an example of a personification of a season?

Conspiring is defined as working together; literally, to conspire is “to breathe together” (Oxford English Dictionary). The use of the phrase “close bosom-friend” is clearly an example of personification, as the defining characteristics of the season in question do not actually exist in a human-like relationship with the nearest star.

Who is the Gleaner in the story autumn?

Thirdly, autumn is personified as a gleaner. A gleaner is a woman who collects grains from the field when the crops have been removed. A gleaner may be seen walking along steadily with the weight of grains upon her head, crossing a stream.

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