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How has William Wallace changed the world?

How has William Wallace changed the world?

He gathered and united a once-scattered nation of Scotland and led its people against the English to regain its freedom. He fought not only for freedom, but also for every human’s right to own land, personal property, and the pursuit of a better existence.

What is William Wallace famous for?

He was to become the leader of the Scots’ resistance against the English occupation at the beginning of the Scottish Wars of Independence. Most famously, he defeated the army of the ‘Auld Enemy’ at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, but was eventually betrayed and executed in London.

Why was William Wallace important to medieval Europe?

William played a central role in the Scottish Wars of Independence fought at the turn of the 13th century. For a time, he was very successful in routing the invading English armies and securing his control over the Scottish realm.

What is William Wallace’s legacy?

William Wallace is remembered for leading the Scottish resistance forces during the struggle to free Scotland from English rule. Many of the popular stories about Wallace—which are not supported by documentary evidence—have been traced to a late 15th-century romance ascribed to Harry the Minstrel, or “Blind Harry.”

Is William Wallace a true story?

Who was William Wallace and what was his life like?

William Wallace, portrayed as Braveheart was a fearsome warrior, but not actually as brave as he seemed when it came down to the end. In fact, all that is known of his life and his war against England comes from a late-15th-century epic poem by Blind Harry.

How is William Wallace related to Malcom Wallace?

Some documents list him as one of three sons born to the Scottish knight and land-owner Malcom Wallace, but the discovery of Wallace’s seal in 1999 ascertained that he was in fact the younger son of Alan Wallace of Ayrshire.

Why did William Wallace fight against the English?

He gathered and united a once-scattered nation of Scotland and led its people against the English to regain its freedom. He fought not only for freedom, but also for every human’s right to own land, personal property, and the pursuit of a better existence. William Wallace fought for Scotland’s right to breathe.

What did the movie Braveheart do to William Wallace?

Until Mel Gibson’s film Braveheart introduced William Wallace to the world, he was hardly known outside of Scotland. The film has been greatly criticized for its historical inaccuracy, but some believe it helped spark the 1997 Scottish referendum which allowed the Scottish people to vote on establishing the first Scottish Parliament since 1707.

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