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How did the Great Compromise resolve the issue of state representation in the new federal government?

How did the Great Compromise resolve the issue of state representation in the new federal government?

The Great Compromise settled the method of representation in the legislative branch (the US Congress). Small states wanted equal representation (equality by state), and large states wanted representation based on population (equality by vote). Under the compromise, all states were represented equally in the Senate.

How did the Great Compromise solve the debate on representation between the small states and the big states?

Their so-called Great Compromise (or Connecticut Compromise in honor of its architects, Connecticut delegates Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth) provided a dual system of congressional representation. In the House of Representatives each state would be assigned a number of seats in proportion to its population.

How did the Great Compromise resolve the debate about representation?

The Great Compromise settled the issue of representation in Congress by declaring that each state, regardless of its size, would have an equal vote in the upper house of the legislature. Each state, regardless of its size, would have an equal vote in the upper house of the legislature.

How did the Great Compromise solve the problem of representation for states?

The Great Compromise solved the problem of representation because it included both equal representation and proportional representation. The large states got the House which was proportional representation and the small states got the Senate which was equal representation.

How did the Great Compromise resolve the difference between the Virginia and New Jersey plans?

How did the Great Compromise resolve the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans? The Senate would have two senators for each state; the House of Representatives would be based on the state’s population.

How did the Great Compromise settle the debate over the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan?

The Connecticut Compromise established a bicameral legislature with the U.S. House of Representatives apportioned by population as desired by the Virginia Plan and the Senate granted equal votes per state as desired by the New Jersey Plan.

What did the Great Compromise resolve?

The Great Compromise settled matters of representation in the federal government. The Three-Fifths Compromise settled matters of representation when it came to the enslaved population of southern states and the importation of enslaved Africans. The Electoral College settled how the president would be elected.

How did the Great Compromise resolve the issue of representation?

The Great Compromise resolved the issue of representation in the United States legislature. Large states wanted greater representation because of their larger population, and smaller states wanted all states represented equally.

Why did the founders come up with the Great Compromise?

The Great Compromise was forged in a heated dispute during the 1787 Constitutional Convention: States with larger populations wanted congressional representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation. To keep the convention from dissolving into chaos, the founding fathers came up with the Great Compromise.

Who was involved in the Great Compromise of 1787?

On July 16, 1787, the Great Compromise, also commonly known as the Connecticut Compromise in a nod to Oliver Ellsworth and Roger Sherman, the Connecticut congressional delegates who created the compromise, solved debate that threatened to destroy the whole plan for the Senate and House of Representatives.

Why did the states agree to the Virginia Plan?

The Center of the Debate Larger states agreed with the Virginia Plan, which dictated that each state should base their number of representatives on population. Essentially, larger states argued that since they contributed more resources to the nation, they should get greater representations in the houses.

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