How bad is soda for your teeth?

How bad is soda for your teeth?

If you are wondering if soda is bad for your teeth, the short answer is yes. Soda and other high sugar beverages are bad for you. Soft drinks can wear away prematurely the enamel on your teeth. Excessive consumption of any carbonated beverage can put your teeth in a high risk category for tooth erosion.

Can you drink soda and not get cavities?

Tip #3: Don’t Think Diet Soda Will Save You Diet soda may not contain harmful sugar, but it’s still highly acidic which can weaken your enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to dental erosion and cavities.

What drink causes the most cavities?

Sugar sweetened beverages have high levels of sugar and drinking these can significantly contribute to tooth decay. Regular and ‘diet’ soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, fruit drinks and cordials also have high acid levels that can cause tooth erosion.

Does soda actually erode teeth?

Acid – Erodes tooth enamel Most soda contain phosphoric acid and citric acid, which are both highly damaging to your teeth. Acids can soften the enamel of the teeth, increasing the risk of cavities and tooth decay.

How bad is Coke for your teeth?

The acid in soft drinks such as Coca Cola can damage your tooth enamel around the bacterial colony, allowing the bacteria to move into the eroded areas, eventually leading to cavities and possible tooth decay. It only takes about 20 seconds for bacteria to produce acid but the effects can last for up to 30 minutes.

What happens to your teeth when you drink soda?

The acids attack the enamel and decrease the hardness. The next layer of the tooth is dentin, and soda can also damage dentin. The damage caused to the tooth enamel can increase the risk of cavities.

Why are sports drinks bad for your teeth?

Soda can actually cause dehydration as most sodas contain caffeine and sugar. Sports drinks are better for staying hydrated but they usually also have sugar that can cause cavities. Sports drinks, soda, and lemonade can also cause damage to the enamel on your teeth which can lead to faster tooth decay.

Are there alternatives to soda for your teeth?

There are alternatives to soda. Finally, you can do less damage to your teeth by choosing soft drinks that have a lower acid content. According to the Mississippi Department of Health, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are two of the most acidic soft drinks on the market, with Dr. Pepper and Gatorade not far behind.

What should you do after drinking a lot of soda?

(Just don’t use this as an excuse to drink twice as many soft drinks!) Use a straw. This will help keep the damaging acids and sugars away from your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water afterward. Flushing your mouth with some water after drinking soda will help wash away any remaining sugars and acids, and stop them from attacking your teeth.


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