
Can you put an older guinea pig with a younger guinea pig?

Can you put an older guinea pig with a younger guinea pig?

An older guinea pig with a younger guinea pig is a good option (larger to smaller one). They usually establish a natural hierarchy, with the younger one being subservient to the older one. Just be careful that you don’t have a very feisty younger guinea pig with a very laid back older guinea pig.

How long should you wait to introduce a new guinea pig?

But it’s essential to wait four to six weeks after neutering before introducing a male guinea pig to any females as he might still be able to reproduce during this time.

Can I get another guinea pig if I already have 2?

Guinea pigs love company and absolutely, two guinea pigs can live together. Ideally, keep a pair of guinea pigs rather than a lone pig, just be careful to introduce them slowly, on neutral territory, and with plenty of resources so that they get along well.

How do I add a second guinea pig?

Choose a quiet, enclosed and large space where both will feel safe. Block out any distractions such as loud TVs, children or other pets. Start by having one person hold each guinea pig and hold them up to one another. Then put them down into their neutral space.

Is it easy to bond guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs often form very strong bonds so you should keep them together at all times from that day forward, unless your vet advises they need to be separated or their bond breaks. You should take both of them to the vet even if only one of them is unwell unless your vet advises you not to.

Can you buy a single guinea pig?

Guinea pigs are social animals. This means that in their natural habitat they live, and thrive with other guinea pigs. While pet stores will happily sell a single guinea pig, rescue centres and vets recommend keeping at least two piggies together.

How do I introduce my New Guinea Pig to my old guinea pig?

You need to make sure your new guinea shows no signs of sickness before introducing them to your old guinea. Put the guinea pigs in separate cages next to each other. Position the cages in such a way that the guinea pigs cannot see each other but can smell and hear one another. Introduce them on a neutral ground.

Can you have a younger guinea pig with an older guinea pig?

Just be careful that you don’t have a very feisty younger guinea pig with a very laid back older guinea pig. In that case, the younger one may challenge the older one’s position as alpha guinea pig.

Do you need to get more than one male guinea pig?

Otherwise, two male guinea pigs or two females are best. However, before getting two males, consider the following. Males can become domineering and territorial. With male guinea pigs, you’ll discover they have dominant males and submissive males.

What’s the best way to adopt two guinea pigs?

If possible, adopt two guinea pigs who were raised together. This way, you know they are already compatible. Use two different food bowls and hide houses on each side of the cage. If you have more than one guinea pig, it is best if you have one tunnel, igloo, etc. per piggy.

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