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Can I make my own guinea pig bedding?

Can I make my own guinea pig bedding?

Shredded Cardboard. With a little bit of elbow grease, you can turn any old cardboard box into perfectly acceptable bedding for your guinea pigs. We recommend tearing it with your hands as much as possible, as using scissors can leave sharp edges that may hurt your guinea’s feet.

What can I use at home for guinea pig bedding?

The main bedding substrate options for guinea pigs include fleece cage liners, cloth, paper and wood shavings. Fleece cage liners: These are fast becoming a very popular option especially for indoor housed guinea pigs. Not all fleece liners are the same.

Is shredded paper safe for guinea pigs?

Shredded paper isn’t a good bedding for guinea pigs. Shredded paper will not be very absorbent and will most likely get very soggy very quickly which is unhealthy and unhygienic for guinea pigs and will also be bad for odour control.

Can you use towels as bedding for guinea pigs?

Towels As Guinea Pig Bedding Got some old towels somewhere in your home? If so, you can totally throw them in your guinea pigs’ cage and use them as bedding! To clean the towels, what I do is spot-clean the towel (using a small dustpan and brush) every day or every other day, and wash it every 1-2 weeks.

Can guinea pigs use paper for bedding?

We recommend paper bedding, Aspen, or a blend of the two to those new to guinea pigs. Fleece also can be used but with fleece, you’ll notice guinea pigs’ poop more and need to sweep it (as well hay and other debris) off the fleece daily. Paper bedding is soft and absorbent and most brands contain minimal dust.

Can guinea pigs have a blanket?

Blankets give your guinea pigs something to snuggle up under, which helps them better maintain their body heat. Any blanket will do, though smaller is probably better. A small fleece blanket is a great option. You can also cut up old towels to use.

Do guinea pigs need a blanket?

Add blankets and towels. Blankets give your guinea pigs something to snuggle up under, which helps them better maintain their body heat. Any blanket will do, though smaller is probably better. A small fleece blanket is a great option. You can also cut up old towels to use.

What are the best Bedding options for guinea pigs?

Paper and straw are the best bedding materials for guinea pigs. Cedar and pine shavings are often marketed for rodents, but you should never use these with guinea pigs. Cat litter that’s made of recycled paper is acceptable, but you shouldn’t use any other type of clumping or pellet litter.

What to use in a guinea pig bedding?

Paper bedding A common choice for many owners of guinea pigs is paper bedding. It is because it is gentle,absorbent,and excellent at controlling odor.

  • Fleece bedding The use of fleece for bedding is still very new,but in recent years,fleece has gained immense popularity because it makes for a great bedding cloth.
  • Aspen bedding
  • How often do you change bedding for a guinea pig?

    With this option, it’s recommended to change the bedding once a week. However, if you have several guinea pigs or a small cage, you may be required to clean it out more frequently.

    Why do guinea pigs need bedding?

    As guinea often hides in their hay or blankets, bedding can give them a feeling of safety and comfort . They need bedding as it’s a pleasant place for them to hide from the danger and will find it an exciting way to entertain to spend their time.

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