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Can I get pregnant if I had an eating disorder?

Can I get pregnant if I had an eating disorder?

Having an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia, can make it more difficult to conceive. Unfortunately, patients can still experience fertility issues, even after receiving treatment for an eating disorder.

How long does it take for anorexia to make you infertile?

Compared with women in the general population, those with eating disorders were equally likely to require >12 months to conceive; however, women with anorexia+bulimia were more likely than those in the general population (6.2% vs.

Can a history of anorexia cause infertility?

Aug. 5, 2011 — Women with anorexia or bulimia or a history of eating disorders have more fertility problems, unplanned pregnancies, and negative feelings about having a child than women with no such history, a new study from the United Kingdom finds.

Can recovering anorexics get pregnant?

Some women find they are still able to get pregnant and, despite not being fully recovered, plough on to have a child anyway – the consequences of which can be fatal for both mother and baby.

Can being underweight cause permanent infertility?

Women who keep themselves just slightly underweight are most at risk of unknowingly suffering from infertility because their borderline status means that, although their menstrual cycle appears unaffected, they have nevertheless lost the ability to conceive.

Can not eating stop you from getting pregnant?

Adequate hormonal function is essential for successful ovulation. Unfortunately, a poor diet can play havoc with our hormones, which in turn, can lead to ovulatory issues. This means that eating certain foods and avoiding others can actually improve our fertility.

Can an underweight girl get pregnant?

Underweight and fertility Being underweight (BMI under 18.5) can reduce a woman’s fertility by causing hormone imbalances that affect ovulation and the chance of getting pregnant. Compared to women in the healthy weight range, women who are underweight are more likely to take more than a year to get pregnant.

Is it harder to get pregnant if you’re thin?

Yes. Having a BMI below 18.5 is classed as underweight, which can make it harder to get pregnant. Having a low BMI can also cause your periods to become irregular or stop. This can be a sign that you are not ovulating (releasing an egg from your ovary each month), which is needed to get pregnant.

How long does it take a woman with an eating disorder to get pregnant?

Although women with a history of eating disorders were no more likely than other women to take longer than a year to conceive, a higher percentage did take more than six months to achieve a pregnancy (39% vs. 25%).

How does an eating disorder affect a woman’s fertility?

Eating Disorders Affect Fertility, Pregnancy. Aug. 5, 2011 — Women with anorexia or bulimia or a history of eating disorders have more fertility problems, unplanned pregnancies, and negative feelings about having a child than women with no such history, a new study from the United Kingdom finds.

Can a woman still have a child after anorexia?

Some women find they are still able to get pregnant and, despite not being fully recovered, plough on to have a child anyway – the consequences of which can be fatal for both mother and baby.

How does anorexia nervosa affect a woman’s pregnancy?

Although the majority of women reported being happy to discover they were pregnant (71%), women with anorexia or bulimia were more than twice as likely to report feeling unhappy about their pregnancies (10% vs. 4%).

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