Who won WW1 kids?

Who won WW1 kids?

The Allies won World War 1. After a long four years at war, The Allies won the war. The Allies were also known as The Entente Powers. Everyone celebrated in the street when they heard the news.

What are 3 facts about WW1?

More Interesting Facts about WW1

  • An explosion on the battlefield in France was heard in England.
  • WW1 journalists risked their lives to report on the war.
  • 12 million letters were delivered to the frontline every week.
  • Plastic surgery was invented because of WW1.
  • The youngest British soldier in WW1 was just 12 years old.

How did World war 1 affect children’s lives?

Children were affected as many of their fathers were killed or wounded in battle, and their mothers began working long hours in the factories. As the war progressed, technology advanced and industry boomed, enabling women to spend less time on household chores and more time outside of the home.

What do kids need to know about World War 1?

World War 1 facts for kids learning KS2 at Primary School. Homework help about history of the Great War, how it ended and Remembrance Day. World War 1 was also known as The Great War. It had more countries involved in the war than any other war. More than 65 million men fought in the war.

What was life like for British soldiers in World War 1?

Over five million British soldiers spent time living in these muddy, miserable ditches, taking it in turns to be on the Front Line — the trench closest to the enemy. Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable First World War primary resource? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike! Day-to-day life there was smelly and grim.

What was the cause of World War 1?

While there were many longstanding causes that led to World War 1, when we look at World War 1 facts we find that one event in particular is often pointed to as the start of World War 1. On June 28, 1914, the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was visiting the Bosnian capital Sarajevo.

Why was it important for journalists to report on WW1?

WW1 journalists risked their lives to report on the war. The Government tried to control the flow of information from the frontline during the war and journalists were banned from reporting. The War Office considered reporting on the war as helping the enemy and if journalists were caught, the faced the death penalty.

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