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Why was feudal society created?

Why was feudal society created?

Feudalism, in its various forms, usually emerged as a result of the decentralization of an empire: especially in the Carolingian Empire in 8th century AD, which lacked the bureaucratic infrastructure necessary to support cavalry without allocating land to these mounted troops.

What was life like in a feudal society?

They worked long days, 6 days a week, and often barely had enough food to survive. Around 90 percent of the people worked the land as peasants. Peasants worked hard and died young. Most were dead before they reached 30 years old.

What was the society like during the Zhou dynasty?

Key Points. The first period of Zhou rule, during which the Zhou held undisputed power over China, is known as the Western Zhou period. During the Western Zhou period, the focus of religion changed from the supreme god, Shangdi, to “Tian,” or heaven; advances were made in farming technology; and the feudal system was established.

What was the first period of Zhou rule?

The first period of Zhou rule, during which the Zhou held undisputed power over China, is known as the Western Zhou period. During the Western Zhou period, the focus of religion changed from the supreme god, Shangdi, to “Tian,” or heaven; advances were made in farming technology; and the feudal system was established.

How did the Zhou feudal system change over time?

The Zhou feudal system. The changing strength of the feudal order can be seen from two occurrences at the Zhou court. In 841 bce the nobles jointly expelled Liwang, a tyrant, and replaced him with a collective leadership headed by the two most influential nobles until the crown prince was enthroned.

What was the role of the Duke of Zhou?

At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty’s rule, the Duke of Zhou, a regent to the king, held a lot of power, and the king rewarded the loyalty of nobles and generals with large pieces of land. Delegating regional control in this way allowed the Zhou to maintain control over a massive land area.

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