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Why does the position of the ITCZ shift during the year?

Why does the position of the ITCZ shift during the year?

The ITCZ shifts position over the course of the year since the sun’s direct rays on the earth vary over the course of a year. Thus, the ITCZ will be located north of the equator in the Northern Hemisphere summer and south of the equator in the Northern Hemisphere winter.

Why does the ITCZ shift above and below the equator during the summer in both hemispheres?

This means that, in summer, air over land is heated more than air over ocean, which shifts the ITCZ toward land regions. In regions where continents lie north or south of the equator, as in Asia and Australia, this causes the ITCZ to shift farther off the equator during the summer season.

How does the location of the ITCZ change over time?

How does the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) change over time? The ITCZ migrates south of the equator in Northern Hemisphere winter and north of the equator in Northern Hemisphere summer. Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight than other areas.

Why does ITCZ shift towards Ganga plains in summer?

Explanation: Ganga plain in summers shifts the equatorial through which is normally positioned about five degree north of the equator is also known as the monsoon through during the ‘monsoon season’. That is the biggest reason for “Inter Tropical Convergence Zone” shift of position in summer over Ganga plain.

Why does the ITCZ shift northward between December and June?

Most rain on Earth falls in the tropical rain belt known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which on average lies 6° north of the equator. So when the northern hemisphere warms, for example, because northern ice cover and with it the polar albedo are reduced, the ITCZ shifts northward.

Where does the ITCZ shift during summer and why?

Answer: In the northern hemisphere the northeast trade winds converge with southeast winds from the Southern Hemisphere. The point at which the trade winds converge forces the air up into the atmosphere, forming the ITCZ. It moves north in the Northern Hemisphere summer and south in the Northern Hemisphere winter.

In which direction does the ITCZ shift in winter?

The ITCZ follows the sun in that the position varies seasonally. It moves north in the Northern Hemisphere summer and south in the Northern Hemisphere winter. Therefore, the ITCZ is responsible for the wet and dry seasons in the tropics.

Why does ITCZ move northward and southward as a result of seasonal shifts?

What causes ITCZ?

ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) is caused by the convergence of northeast and southeast trade winds in the area encircling Earth near the Equator.

Which country is mostly affected by the ITCZ?

In eastern Asia, the ITCZ may propagate up to 30 degrees north of the Equator. In January, over the Atlantic, the ITCZ generally sits no further south than the Equator, but extends much further south over South America, Southern Africa, and Australia….Content control:

Tag(s) Climatic Phenomena

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