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What were Saxon houses made out of?

What were Saxon houses made out of?

 Anglo-Saxons houses were huts made of wood with roofs thatched with straw.  Much of Britain was covered with forests. The Saxons had plenty of wood to use.

What did an Anglo-Saxon village look like?

Many villages were built near rivers because the Anglo-Saxons were good sailors. A high wooden fence would be built around a village to protect it from wild animals like: wolves, foxes and boars. Anglo-Saxon houses were rectangular huts made of wood with roofs thatched with straw.

Did the Saxons built in stone?

This is a rare survival of an Anglo-Saxon architectural detail: most Anglo-Saxon buildings were made of timber and were rebuilt in stone after the Norman Conquest.

Did Anglo-Saxons have glass?

Anglo-Saxon glass has been found across England during archaeological excavations of both settlement and cemetery sites. Glass was also used by the Anglo-Saxons in their jewellery, both as enamel or as cut glass insets.

What is a Saxon House?

Anglo-Saxons houses were huts made of wood with roofs thatched with straw. Much of Britain was covered with forests. The Saxons had plenty of wood to use. There was only one room where everybody ate, cooked, slept and entertained their friends.

What did the Saxons do for fun?

The Anglo-Saxons enjoyed horse racing, hunting, feasting and music-making. They played dice and board games such as draughts and chess. Entertainment during feasts included listening to a harp being played and juggling balls and knives. Children played with balls, hoops and whipping tops (spinning tops).

What did the houses of the Anglo Saxons look like?

Anglo-Saxon houses and settlements | The History of the World Blog. Anglo-Saxon people needed somewhere to live so what did their homes look like? Anglo-Saxon houses were rectangular rather than the round like the houses of the British people.

Where did the Anglo-Saxons live in England?

Saxon settlements were small by modern standards although the trading towns such as Hamwic, near modern-day Portsmouth on the south coast of England, were larger. These groups of houses would slowly be replaced over time as the wood the posts were made from rotted.

Why did the Anglo Saxons need natural resources?

The natural resources had to provide the villagers with what they needed to survive. The village also needed to protect itself. All round the village was a high fence to keep the herds safe at night from enemies and the wild animals of the forests – wolves, foxes and boars.

What kind of food did the Anglo Saxons eat?

The Anglo-Saxons grew crops and kept pigs, sheep and cattle. They hunted other animals and fish for food. They made household goods and farm equipment from pottery, wood and metal, clothes from cloth they wove themselves.

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