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What is a star suddenly exploding with increasing brightness?

What is a star suddenly exploding with increasing brightness?

supernova (plural: supernovae or supernovas) A massive star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.

What is the name given when a star violently explodes?

The brilliant point of light is the explosion of a star that has reached the end of its life, otherwise known as a supernova. Supernovae can briefly outshine entire galaxies and radiate more energy than our sun will in its entire lifetime. They’re also the primary source of heavy elements in the universe.

What is the difference between Type Ia and Type II supernovae?

A type I supernova occurs in closed binary systems where two average stars orbit around each other quite closely. A type II supernova occurs in larger stars of around 10 solar masses. After it leaves the main sequence it starts fusing increasingly heavy elements in shells around the core.

What type of explosion will occur when stars are 100 times more massive than the sun?

This gravitational collapse releases an enormous amount of energy, more than 100 times what our Sun will radiate over its entire 10 billion year lifetime. This energy blows the outer layers of the star off into space in a giant explosion called a supernova (plural: supernovae.)

What type of star is destroyed during a supernova?

neutron star
This transient astronomical event occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion. The original object, called the progenitor, either collapses to a neutron star or black hole, or is completely destroyed.

What class of star is a neutron star?

compact stars
neutron star, any of a class of extremely dense, compact stars thought to be composed primarily of neutrons. Neutron stars are typically about 20 km (12 miles) in diameter. Their masses range between 1.18 and 1.97 times that of the Sun, but most are 1.35 times that of the Sun.

What nuclear reaction provides the luminosity of a Type Ia supernova?

The star explodes violently and releases a shock wave in which matter is typically ejected at speeds on the order of 5,000–20,000 km/s, roughly 6% of the speed of light. The energy released in the explosion also causes an extreme increase in luminosity.

What is supernova explosion in physical science?

A supernova (plural supernovae) is a stellar explosion which produces an extremely bright object made of plasma that declines to invisibility over weeks or months. In either type of supernova, the resulting explosion expels much or all of the stellar material with great force.

How does the detonation of a supernova occur?

The supernova detonation occurs when material falls in from the outer layers of the star and then rebounds off the core, which has stopped collapsing and suddenly presents a hard surface to the infalling gases. The shock wave generated by this collision propagates outward and blows off the star’s outer gaseous layers.

Which is the best example of an old supernova remnant?

The best-observed old supernova remnant is the Cygnus Loop (or the Veil Nebula), a beautiful filamentary object roughly in the form of a circular arc in Cygnus. Its patchiness is striking: the loop consists of a series of wisps rather than a continuous cloud of gas.

Where was the supernova located in the Magellanic Cloud?

The newly appearing supernova was located in the Large Magellanic Cloud at a distance of about 160,000 light-years. It immediately became the subject of intense observation by astronomers throughout the Southern Hemisphere and was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope.

How are supernovae different from other types of stars?

Supernovae may be divided into two broad classes, Type I and Type II, according to the way in which they detonate. Type I supernovae may be up to three times brighter than Type II; they also differ from Type II supernovae in that their spectra contain no hydrogen lines and they expand about twice as rapidly.

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