
What is a Shia and a Sunni?

What is a Shia and a Sunni?

After the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in AD 632, Sunni believed that Muhammad’s successor should be Abu Bakr. A second group of Muslims, who would come to be known as the Shia, believed that his successor should have been Ali.

What is Lailatul Isra?

Isra and Mi’raj, also known as Al Isra’ wal Miraj, is observed on the 27th day of the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. This event marks the night that Allah (God) took Mohammad (also known as Mohamed or Muhammed) on a journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven.

What are the different sects of Orthodox Judaism?

Within Orthodox Judaism, there is a spectrum of communities and practices, ranging from ultra-Orthodox Haredi Judaism (Haredim) and Jewish fundamentalism to Modern Orthodox Judaism (with Neo-Orthodoxy, Open Orthodoxy, and Religious Zionism). Orthodox Jews who opposed the Haskalah became known as Haredi Jews (Haredim).

What do you call people who are Orthodox?

Being that all Orthodox Jews abide to Orthodox Jewish Law, Orthodox Jewish Culture, Orthodox Jewish Traditions and Orthodox Jewish Customs they are all called “Frum Jews”. All sects within Orthodoxy abide mostly by the same beliefs and law.

Who is the founder of the Orthodox Church?

The Orthodox Church is the Church founded by Jesus Christ and described throughout the New Testament. All other Christian Churches and sects can be traced back historically to it.

What does Frum stand for in Orthodox Judaism?

Frum stands for observant. Being that all Orthodox Jews abide to Orthodox Jewish Law, Orthodox Jewish Culture, Orthodox Jewish Traditions and Orthodox Jewish Customs they are all called “Frum Jews”. All sects within Orthodoxy abide mostly by the same beliefs and law. The differences are basically in culture and lifestyle.

What kind of vestments did the Eastern Orthodox wear?

The Middle Ages also witnessed the evolution of Eastern Orthodox vestments into approximately their present form. The eucharistic garment corresponding to the chasuble was the phelonion, with variant forms in the Greek and Russian churches. The sticharion, which is held by the zōnē, or girdle, corresponds to the alb.

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