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What has a high concentration of this and other metals in the mesosphere?

What has a high concentration of this and other metals in the mesosphere?

Most meteors vaporize in the mesosphere. Some material from meteors lingers in the mesosphere, causing this layer to have a relatively high concentration of iron and other metal atoms.

What metals are in mesosphere?

The major meteoric species are Fe, Mg, Si, and Na, against which two minor species, Ca and K, offer surprising contrasts. These metals exist as layers of atoms between about 80 and 105 km and atomic ions at higher altitudes.

What object is found in the mesosphere layer?

Most meteors from space burn up in this layer. A special type of clouds, called “noctilucent clouds”, sometimes forms in the mesosphere near the North and South Poles. These clouds are strange because they form much, much higher up than any other type of cloud. There are also odd types of lightning in the mesosphere.

What causes high altitude clouds in the mesosphere?

Some material from meteors lingers in the mesosphere, causing this layer to have a relatively high concentration of iron and other metal atoms. Very strange, high altitude clouds called “noctilucent clouds” or “polar mesospheric clouds” sometime form in the mesosphere near the poles.

Why are most meteors vaporize in the mesosphere?

Since it is difficult to take measurements of the mesosphere directly using instruments, much about the mesosphere is still mysterious. Most meteors vaporize in the mesosphere. Some material from meteors lingers in the mesosphere, causing this layer to have a relatively high concentration of iron and other metal atoms.

Is the stratosphere at the bottom of the mesosphere?

At the bottom of the mesosphere is the stratopause, the boundary between the mesosphere and the stratosphere below. The mesosphere is difficult to study, so less is known about this layer of the atmosphere than other layers. Weather balloons and other aircraft cannot fly high enough to reach the mesosphere.

Are there any satellites that can reach the mesosphere?

Weather balloons and other aircraft cannot fly high enough to reach the mesosphere. Satellites orbit above the mesosphere and cannot directly measure traits of this layer. Scientists use instruments on sounding rockets to sample the mesosphere directly, but such flights are brief and infrequent.

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