
What causes large brown spots on legs?

What causes large brown spots on legs?

Age spots are the most common cause of this discoloration on the legs. These spots develop from constant sun exposure, hormonal changes, pregnancy, or some types of medications. Age spots are typically not a medical concern and can be removed with laser treatments.

What causes large brown spots on skin?

Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet (UV) light speeds up the production of melanin, a natural pigment that gives skin its color. On skin that has had years of sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes clumped or is produced in high concentrations.

What does a sunspot look like?

What do they look like? Sunspots appear as flat, darker patches of skin (tan to dark brown) that are found on areas of the body that have experienced high levels of sun exposure such as the face, shoulders, hands, chest, and the backs of hands.

Why am I getting spots on my legs?

Share on Pinterest Folliculitis, an inflammation of the hair follicles, is a common cause of pimples on the legs. Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles. This can be from a bacterial or fungal infection that makes the hair follicles become inflamed or blocked.

When should I be worried about skin spots?

Keep an eye on spots that look different to others on your body, spots that have changed in size, shape, colour or texture, and sores that itch, bleed, or don’t heal. If you notice any of these signs, see your doctor and seek their expert opinion.

What is dark spot?

Dark spots are the result of the overproduction or collection of melanin, a skin pigment that makes skin darker. They can also result from free radical damage.

What does melanoma on leg look like?

Melanoma (Nodular) Nodular melanoma occurs most often on the legs, torso, arms, and head, but can develop on any part of the body. It looks like a mole, bug bite, or pimple. It is typically solid in color, most notably black, but it can also be pink, tan, blue, gray, red, or white.

Why do I have a brown spot on my ankle?

Common Causes of Ankle Discoloration This happens when red blood cells are broken down and the hemoglobin releases iron. The excess iron is then stored as hemosiderin in the tissues under your skin. This causes visible dark brown spots that sometimes extend from your lower legs down to your ankles.

What causes brown spots on legs and feet?

Brown spots on legs and feet are also referred to as liver spots, age spots and also as Solar Lentigines. The condition causes the appearance of brown patches on the skin, especially the lower legs and is usually common in people of Caucasian descent.

What kind of cancer causes black spots on legs?

Mostly, people who are fair skinned are the ones who suffer from such black spots. Melanoma: Melanoma is one of the skin cancers that are characterized by light brown spots on the legs. In women, these spots are common on lower legs and can easily be observed as large dark brown spots or speckles.

What causes pink spots on the outside of the legs?

Dermatofibroma are raised pink, or brown skin spots or papules Dermatofibroma are benign lesions that are commonly found on the outside of the legs. They are a skin reaction to a viral infection, injury or insect bite. The lesions can be painful, itchy or have no symptoms.

What causes light brown spots on African American Skin?

Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra can cause light spots on African American skin that looks like brown to black dome-shaped papules. Keratoacanthoma light brown skin spots can have a keratin plug (right) or appear as a dome shaped nodule or papule. Kerotoacanthoma is a common type of benign tumor.

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