
What are the problem soils?

What are the problem soils?

Problem soils can be defined as the soils on which most plants and crops cannot be grown economically and are not fertile or productive and there is the possibility of erosion hazard when cultivated. These soils need special soil–water–fertilizer–crop management practices to make them productive.

What are the problems of soil resources?

These challenges include lack of an effective national soil policy, land degradation and desertification (erosion, salinity, declining soil fertility and organic matter, deforestation, soil pollution, deterioration of soil’s physical and biological condition), climate change, water shortage, and land-use changes.

How problem soils are formed?

(i) In arid and semi arid areas salt formed during weathering are not fully leached. (ii) In coastal areas if the soil contains carbonates the ingression of sea water leads to the formation of alkali soils due to formation of sodium carbonates. (iii) Irrigated soils with poor drainage.

Which is the most problematic soil in India?


Sl.No State Coastal saline soil (in ha)
1 Andhra Pradesh 77598
2 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 77000
3 Bihar 0
4 Gujarat 462315

What are the main problems of Indian soils?

Various human activities, such as the introduction of large scale irrigation canals, deforestation and faulty land use lead to accelerated soil degradation through salinization, flooding, drought, erosion and waterlogging. These processes, in turn, reduce agricultural productivity leading to social insecurity.

What is the effect of reclamation?

Reclamation usually leads to the decline of biological diversity, the decrease of natural wetlands, and the extinct of habitats for animals and plants. For migratory species, the living environment of marine plants and marine animals has been seriously affected.

What are problem soils briefly explain the types of problems associated with them?

What is problematic soils and their management?

The soils which possess characteristics that make them. uneconomical for the cultivation of crops without adopting proper. reclamation measures are known as problem soils. Often we resort to chemical means of reclamation that leads to.

What do you need to know about reclamation of soil?

RECLAMATION OF SODIC SOIL : Basically, reclamation or improvement of sodic soils requires the removal of part or most of the exchangeable sodium with more favourable calcium ions in the root zone.

What kind of amendments are used in sodic soil reclamation?

1) CHEMICAL METHOD : Chemical amendments for sodic soil reclamation can be broadly grouped into three categories . Water soluble calcium salts, e.g. Gypsum, Calcium chloride.

Which is a major problem in semi arid regions?

• Soil salinity is one of the major problems restricting crop production in the arid and semi arid regions of the world. 4. TYPES OF PROBLEMATIC SOIL • Saline soil • Sodic/alkaline soil • Saline -sodic • Acidic soils • Other problematic soils- a. acid sulphate soils b. calcareous soils 5.

How is leaching used in salt water reclamation?

• Leaching: Leaching is effective when the salty drainage water is discharged through subsurface drains that carry the leached salt out of the area under reclamation.

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