How far will a P wave travel in 7 minutes and 20 seconds?

How far will a P wave travel in 7 minutes and 20 seconds?

What is the total distance that a P-wave will travel in 7 minutes and 20 seconds? 4,200 kilometers.

How long does it take for as wave to travel?

In a solid such as rock, the primary wave can travel at 5 km/sec; it would take 400 seconds, or about 6.7 minutes to travel 2,000 km. If traveling through water, the wave travels at about 1.45 km/sec and would need 1,379 seconds (23 minutes) to travel 2,000 km.

How long does it take for a wave to cross the ocean?

In the Pacific, for instance, waves at lower latitudes (closer to the equator) may take months to a year to cross the ocean. Waves that form farther away from the equator (at mid-latitudes) of the Pacific may take closer to 10 to 20 years to make the journey.

How far can AP travel in 6 minutes 40 seconds?

P-wave will travel approximately from 5-8 km/s.

How far can P-waves travel in 6 minutes and 40 seconds?

How many miles per hour do waves travel?

The components with the longest periods could be moving at more than 35 miles per hour. These waves will travel thousands of miles until they bump into a shoreline or an island or a reef that makes them break and lose their energy.

How is the travel time of a P wave calculated?

To get the travel time for either wave for a certain distance, move upward from the given distance until it intersects the correct seismic line. At this intersection point, read over to the Travel Time axis. For example, a P-wave traveling 7200 km would take a travel time of 10:40 (10 min. 40 sec.) to go this distance.

Which is the fastest wave in the world?

The speed champions of all the waves are tsunamis. They are usually generated by large rapid movements of the ocean floor caused by earthquakes and aren’t limited by wind speeds. Their speed is limited only by the depth of the ocean along their path.

Are there waves that can Circle Antarctica forever?

Waves driven by strong winds around the Antarctic continent, however, can circle that continent forever without encountering land. Fortunately, when they grow to a size that moves as fast as the wind speed, the wind can no longer push them and they will not get any bigger.


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