
How do stimulant and depressant drugs affect the nervous system?

How do stimulant and depressant drugs affect the nervous system?

Stimulant drugs speed up your body and cognitive functions, whereas depressants slow them down. This is due to the way these drugs alter the functions of your central nervous system (CNS). While the former causes user’s blood, heart, breathing, and temperature rates to rise, the latter causes them to fall.

How do depressants work in the brain?

How do CNS depressants affect the brain? Most CNS depressants act on the brain by increasing activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical that inhibits brain activity. This action causes the drowsy and calming effects that make the medicine effective for anxiety and sleep disorders.

What are stimulants hallucinogens and depressants?

Drugs can be categorised by the way in which they affect our bodies: depressants — slow down the function of the central nervous system. hallucinogens — affect your senses and change the way you see, hear, taste, smell or feel things. stimulants — speed up the function of the central nervous system.

What do psychoactive drugs do to the brain?

Psychoactive drugs are drugs that affect the Central Nervous System, altering its regular activity. They cause changes in a person’s mood, behavior, and awareness (like time and space).

What is the meaning of depressants?

What are depressants? Depressant substances reduce arousal and stimulation. They do not necessarily make a person feel depressed. They affect the central nervous system, slowing down the messages between the brain and the body..

What do stimulants do in sport?

Some athletes use stimulants to stimulate the central nervous system and increase heart rate and blood pressure. Stimulants can: Improve endurance. Reduce fatigue.

Which specific drugs are considered stimulants?

Stimulants are a class of drugs that basically increase and speed up a person’s body functioning abilities. Stimulants include drugs like cocaine, crack, Adderall, Ritalin, amphetamine, ecstasy and methamphetamine.

What are the similarities between stimulants and depressants?

Most people know that stimulants and depressants are opposites. Although they act on similar portions of the central nervous system, they do opposite things. Doctors use them to control opposite disorders.

What kind of drugs are considered depressants?

Depressants such as Xanax, Klonopin, Halcion and Librium are often referred to as “benzos” (short for benzodiazepines1). Other depressants, such as Amytal , Numbutal and Seconal , are classed as barbiturates—drugs that are used as sedatives and sleeping pills.

What stimulants are most abused?

The Most Commonly Abused Types of Stimulants Cocaine. Adderall and cocaine are two of the most abused stimulants. Crack. Crack, also known as crack cocaine, is cocaine except it is more processed and it is crystalized and hardened. Methamphetamine (Meth) Meth is an extremely powerful drug that is more intense than amphetamine. Adderall. Adderall is a prescription drug that contains amphetamine.

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