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Do you think political parties are a valid source of information about candidates and their views Why or why not quizlet?

Do you think political parties are a valid source of information about candidates and their views Why or why not quizlet?

Political parties are not a valid source of information about candidates because political parties just categorize candidates. They do not tell why the candidates might feel this way or his/her opinion on everything just that they are a specific party.

Do you think one party rule or divided government comes closer to the ideal the framers had when they envisioned a government without political parties?

What characterizes the present political era that began in 1968? Do you think one-party rule or divided government comes closer to the ideal the Framers had when they envisioned a government without political parties? Divided government more closely represents the Framers’ ideal of not party.

Who are the major political parties in American society?

American electoral politics have been dominated by two major political parties since shortly after the founding of the republic. Since the 1850s, they have been the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

What are two ways in which the American electoral system encourages a two-party system quizlet?

How does the electoral system encourage a two-party system? Through single-member districts and election law. The system is a winner-take-all based on candidate’s receiving a plurality of votes cast for an office.

How does the American two-party system work quizlet?

The US has a two-party political system because of two structural features in American politics: single-member districts and winner-take-all elections. Now, candidates usually are picked by direct primary elections, as the American voters’ loyalty to parties has weakened.

What is an ideological political party quizlet?

Ideological Parties. those based on a particular set of beliefs- comprehensive view of social, economic and political matters. Splinter Parties. Those that have split away from the major parties.

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